Page 67 of Earl
“Divorce is not an option,” he told her fiercely. “Whatever you do, I am willing to forgive, except infidelity. I am pledging my life to yours completely, irrevocably and I expect the same courtesy. I love you. I never thought it existed when I was growing up.
I saw it with several of the members of my club and I envied them. I never dreamed it would ever happen to me. Now that it has, I am willing to move hell and earth to keep it. Am I clear?”
A smile wreathed her lips as she stared at him. She had despaired of ever finding anyone and had given up hope of finding love, until now.
“I might just have to have sex with Justin.”
His expression turned ominous. “The only person you will be having sex with from here on, will be me, until we are both dead.”
“What if you die first?” She asked innocently as she snuggled against him.
“Then you will remain chaste and sex free until we both meet up again in the afterlife.” His hands framed her face. “Believe me, we will be terribly busy until then. I intend to be using this lush body of yours every night and every morning. In case it has escaped your notice, I am insatiable when it comes to you.”
“Or you are insatiable – period.”
“No,” he shook his head. “Just with you.” Taking her hand, he linked their fingers. “What do you say darling? Are you willing to make an honest man out of me?”
“As long as I don’t have to cook and pick up after you.”
“I thought you love to cook.”
“On occasion.”
“Then no. You can be as lazy as you want.”
She tilted her head to look at him. “My work often consumes me.”
“Is that a warning?”
She nodded.
“What do I do in that case?”
“You drag me away and demand your husbandly duties.”
He grinned at her answer.
“Can I get that in writing?”
“Absolutely. We will have your team of money-hungry lawyers draw something up. Will your sister approve?”
“She was the one who insisted on me joining the online dating app. She will love you.” His fingers trailed a path from her cheek to the seams of her lips. “I adore you; do you believe me?”
Her heart skittered before righting itself and she nodded. “When I was growing up in that awful place, I knew it would get better. I convinced myself that my life was going to take a turn, and I was determined to make that happen.”
Her hand captured his and she pressed a kiss into the palm. I spent years going through a few failed relationships and I lost hope.” Her eyes glittered with tears.
“I lost hope and now you- “He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face against his chest. He felt her tears warming his skin and felt his emotions taking over. “I am here baby.” He whispered. “I will always be.”
They took a bath together and when he suggested a shower in his huge install, she insisted on trying out the claw footed bath in the center of the room. He watched her fascination as she stared around the room and fiddled with several gold knobs she had never seen before.
“It’s like a showroom. Who was the designer?”
He cleared his throat as he sat on the lip of the tub and started to fill it up.
“Er- someone I know. Jessica Landry.”