Page 69 of Earl
“Earl.” She whispered, her body moving restlessly.
His mouth was avidly suckling at her nipple and when his fingers slipped inside her, she came, her body vibrating and sloshing water from the tub to the floor. But they did not notice that. Sliding his fingers into her, slowly, he continued to love her even when she had finally settled back to earth.
Lifting his head, he stared at her, the look on his face making words unnecessary.
Turning her to face him, he lifted his hips until she impaled him. Making room for her legs to wrap around his waist, he clasped her hips as he slowly drove into her.
They did not say anything, their eyes were making contact and communicating non-verbally. Tears glittered in her eyes as she told him silently how much she loved him. When she came again, he seized her lips and followed right behind her, his heart bursting with love.
Chapter 14
“Stay,” he whispered, his mouth creating havoc as he trailed it over her cheek. “You could work from here. I would stay, but I have meetings.”
“I can’t.” She was already feeling the drunken punch of too little sleep and too much activity, her body was not used to. They had slept a total of three hours. She had been jarred awake when he slipped inside her and started rocking slowly. The climax had been gentle, but no less intense.
They could not get enough of each other. Even in slumber, his arms were possessively wrapped around her. “I have a meeting with Monique, and I haven’t been home in two days. Besides, I don’t want your housekeeper to think I am a skank.”
“Skank?” He was taking tiny bites out of the side of her neck.
“A slut. Earl, stop.”
“I don’t want to.” His lips trailed down her neck as he cupped her breasts.
“You are going to be late.” She happened to glance over at the ormolu clock and saw to her shock that it was almost seven. She had some designs to finish and present to Monique and the rest of the group. Pushing him away, she tried to get up, but he snagged her back against him.
“How soon will you have finished?”
“I don’t know and if I don’t go now and I am late for this very important meeting and not prepared, I am going to be pissed.”
“I am hard,” he murmured, bringing her hand down to close around him.
“You are always hard. Damn you, Earl.”
“I love you.” His mouth covered hers and with a shaky sigh, she gave in.
And had to rush out the door half hour later, with her hair streaming untidily behind her.
“I hate you.” She told him as she headed for the elevator. “And I am going to have to rethink the wedding.”
“I will just haunt you until you are standing with me at the courthouse.” He entered the elevator and backed her against the wall.
“What are you doing?”
“Kissing you goodbye and telling you how much I love you.”
“We are going to kill each other.” She moaned. “And I have never been felt up in an elevator before.”
“There is a first time for everything.” He was still kissing her and caressing her breast when the car doors slid open. Lifting his lips from hers, reluctantly, he walked her to her car and opened the door. “What time later?”
“You have that dinner, remember?”
“Oh Christ! I forgot. Come with me.”
“Why not?”
“I want you to officially meet my friends and after that, I am meeting your sister and her husband. And I have a wedding dress to make.”