Page 7 of Dear Mr. Brody
“That guy has the biggest hard-on for you, I doubt it.” He pulled out his phone. “I’ll text him.”
“Don’t make me look desperate. If he doesn’t show, it is what it is. There are a few guys here I wouldn’t mind hanging out with tonight.”
“Oh yeah, show me one,” he said, calling my bluff.
He rested his hand on his cocked hip, and if it wasn’t for the red harness and white skinny jeans he had on, I’d say he looked almost maternal.
“The bartender for one.”
“Ew, no, everyone fucks the bartender.”
“That’s a stereotype,” I argued. “Don’t be a dick.”
“I veto the bartender. Moving on… what about…” He glanced over my shoulder as said slutty bartender smiled at me. “Holy shit.”
Marcos’s eyes were wide as he lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip. “Mr. Brody.”
I exhaled, annoyed. “Marcos… you have to stop with that shit, it’s not—”
“No, Mr. Brody is here. In this club. Right fucking now.”
“What?” I turned my head, following his line of sight and froze. Mr. Brody tipped his head back and laughed. His dark, almost black hair looked blue under the lights. “Um…”
“I know.”
“Oh, my shit… is that Wilder Welles?”
“Holy fuck, it is.”
“Park, I don’t know who this Wilder whoever the hell is, and I don’t care. Our hot as sin professor is standing less than a hundred yards away. In a gay club.” He knocked on my forehead with his knuckles. “Gay… Club.”
I shoved his hand away and laughed. “Wilder Welles… he’s one of my favorite authors, and he’s famous as fuck, dumbass.”
“Yeah… still don’t care.” He grabbed the sleeve of my shirt. “Let’s go say hi.”
“Marcos, come on… we shouldn’t—”
“We should and we shall.”
When I didn’t budge, he groaned.
“It’s not a good idea. We should give Mr. Brody some privacy, isn’t there some code of conduct about fraternizing with your teacher?”
Marcos stared at me, his face expressionless. “Who cares about codes and rules? We don’t subscribe to any of that shit anymore, my friend. And if the man wanted privacy, he wouldn’t be out at a club.”
“Fair, but it feels rude. He’s with a huge group of people. And just because he’s out with friends, doesn’t mean he wants to be bothered.” I drained my drink in one gulp and set it on the bar. “Besides, Tam is probably up front looking for us.”
“Fine…” Marcos finished his drink and lifted his hand, grabbing the bartender’s attention. “If you want to suck your whole life, I can’t stop you.”
I gave him a cheesy grin. “I’m pretty good at sucking.”
“Ew… I need to find my silver fox anyway. I’m in desperate need of some maturity.”
Marcos was a lot to handle sometimes, and living with the guy, I questioned my sanity. But he was the levity I needed, and I was his gravity. We balanced each other. I draped my arm around his shoulder, and he turned to look at me. “Thanks for dragging me out tonight.”