Page 81 of Dear Mr. Brody
Anders sat back, his light eyes assessing me. “Is there something wrong?”
“No… I mean, at least I hope you won’t think so.” I pulled at the tight knot of my tie. “There’s this…” Student? Guy? God, this was awful. “I want to be honest.”
“I always prefer honesty,” Anders said, eyeing me warily.
“I want you to read something one of my students wrote. It’s phenomenal, Anders. And I think he has so much potential, but I don’t want you to think I’m being biased.”
“Because he’s your student?”
“Yes, and…” I swallowed, my tongue sour in my mouth. “And… we… well, I… It’s new and I know it’s unconventional and—”
“Van…” Anders stared at me, the soft lines around his eyes deepening as he smiled. “Take a breath.”
I did. It was ridiculous. I counted to ten and then started over.
“I’m bisexual.”
Anders blinked a few times. “Okay.”
“I’ve never had a chance to explore it, you know. And I met a guy online. We’ve hung out a few times, and he’s… he’s…” I wiped my damp palms over my slacks. “He’s amazing.”
“That’s great,” Anders said, his smile stretching to his eyes. “Seriously, I’m happy for you. It has to be hard dating again, after everything.”
“It was terrifying.”
“I can only imagine.”
I took another long, deep breath. “He’s a student, Anders.”
“Wait… the author or…” His smile fell.
“I didn’t know. When I met him online, I had no idea. He’s twenty-four. And shit, I shouldn’t have gone through with it once I met him, but he’s... he’s—”
“Yeah.” I sank back in my chair. “Please don’t fire me.”
“Why would I fire you?” He cocked his head to the side, confused. “I would be more worried about losing your job at Winchester. What’s their policy?”
“No fraternization whatsoever. If we get caught, I’ll get fired. God, this is so unprofessional.”
“He’s an adult, it’s not that scandalous.” He smiled and I exhaled. “I’m assuming you don’t want them to fire you, though.”
“I doubt I’d be able to get a job teaching anywhere if they did.” I rested my elbow on the table and pressed my fingers into my temple, trying to relieve the sudden ache in my head. “But he’ll only be my student until December, right? After that I’m hoping it won’t matter.”
“Is he out… about his sexuality?”
“He is.”
“And he’s okay with hiding?”
“I mean, I think so. For now.” I met his gaze. “You’re not upset?”
“Van, I don’t give a shit who you date as long as it’s a consenting adult. I dated Wilder on and off for years. Total conflict of interest. And I’m marrying my ex-assistant. Who am I to judge?” He sat up. “If you like him, make it work. December isn’t that far away.”
“Thank you for not firing me.”
His chuckle untied the last knot in my stomach as he stood. “Send me his work, I can’t promise anything.”