Page 5 of Real Scale Blazer
“I called James out in front of the entire board. Showed proof he stole my work. Told them exactly what I thought about their boys’ club mentality. And then I quit.”
A slow grin spread across Lydia’s face. “Please tell me you made that smug bastard squirm.”
“He turned about six different shades of red.” Quinn pulled Gerri’s business card from her desk drawer, its surface catching the light in that strange, otherworldly way. “Remember what you said about doing something crazy?”
Lydia leaned forward. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“That maybe exploring alien planets can’t be worse than dealing with corporate theft and toxic masculinity?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of ‘adventure of a lifetime,’ but yeah, that works too.” Lydia bounced excitedly. “Call her. Call her right now before you talk yourself out of it.”
Quinn stared at the card, her scientist’s mind warring with the part of her that desperately wanted a change. “This is insane, right? Aliens? Other planets? It sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie.”
“Sometimes insane is exactly what we need.” Lydia grabbed Quinn’s phone and placed it in her hand. “Think about it—no more James stealing your work, no more Andrew talking over you in meetings, no more being stuck in this basement office while less qualified men take credit for your discoveries.”
“But aliens, Lyd.”
“If she’s lying, then we’ll find out in a few hours. Then we’ll move on. But why would she? That makes no sense.” Lydia arched an eyebrow. “Besides, Gerri said they specifically need your expertise. When was the last time anyone on Earth actually valued what you can do?”
Quinn’s finger hovered over her phone. “What if it’s some elaborate scam?”
“A scam on what? Your published papers and geological theories?” Lydia shook her head. “Come on, Quinn. Where’s your sense of scientific curiosity?”
“I think I left it upstairs along with my career prospects.”
But Quinn was already dialing, her heart pounding as the phone rang. Gerri answered on the first ring as if she’d been expecting the call.
“Dr. Quinn,” her warm voice came through clearly. “I was wondering when I’d hear from you.”
“How did you—never mind.” Quinn took a deep breath. “That opportunity you mentioned. Is it still available?”
“Of course. Though I should mention that I’m already aware of what happened in the board meeting.” There was a note of approval in Gerri’s voice. “Well done, by the way. James Foster has needed someone to stand up to him for years.”
Quinn exchanged startled looks with Lydia. “How could you possibly know about that? It happened less than an hour ago.”
“I have my ways,” Gerri said mysteriously. “Now, shall we discuss your future? I have a proposition that might interest both you and Ms. Marlowe.”
“I’m listening.”
“There’s a planet called Nova Aurora. Technologically advanced, beautiful landscape, fascinating geological formations unlike anything on Earth. They’re experiencing some concerning seismic activity that their own experts can’t explain. They need someone with fresh eyes and unconventional thinking.”
Quinn’s scientific curiosity was piqued despite her skepticism. “What kind of seismic activity?”
“Patterns that defy Earth’s geological principles. Tremors that seem to follow magical rather than physical laws. Energy signatures that your equipment might be able to track, but the dragons’ traditional methods can’t explain.”
“Magic?” Quinn’s voice dripped with doubt. “You’re talking about actualmagic?”
“I’m talking about forces that Earth science hasn’t discovered yet.” Gerri’s voice held a smile. “Isn’t that exactly the kindof challenge you’ve been looking for? A chance to expand the boundaries of geological understanding?”
Quinn pressed the speaker button so Lydia could hear. “And this has nothing to do with your dating agency?”
“As I mentioned before, the Paranormal Dating Agency facilitates all kinds of connections, Dr. Quinn. Professional, personal, magical... we help people find what they need, even if it’s not what they think they’re looking for.”
“I’m not looking for?—”
“A relationship. Yes, you’ve mentioned that.” Gerri chuckled. “All I ask is that you keep an open mind. Sometimes the heart finds what it needs when we’re busy making other plans. Can you promise me that? That you won’t close yourself off to possibilities just because they don’t fit your current worldview?”