Page 11 of She Belongs to Me
I closed the lid and thumped onto my back on the bed. What was he going to do at this point? Burn down the city to find the perpetrator?
I’m not certain I’d put it past him. The few reports I’d been able to read in English on his business activities had called him a savage operator. He was also considered Cosa Nostra, the real kind. The type of syndicate Italy had become known for. But he also gave generously to charities. Plus, he had a huge and very reputable corporation that seemed legitimate to me. But what did I know?
My aunt had refused to talk about his nefarious side. I adored her and was grateful she’d taken me into her home, no questions asked. I’d had a built-in little new family, but almost as soon as I’d turned five, I’d known she held some resentment over being forced to take me.
I’d overheard a conversation years later. I knew how she really felt. Yet as I’d gotten older, we’d become closer, just like I had with my cousin. Chasity had always been a little hellion, but she had a heart of gold and was getting her life on track. But we were different people, shifting apart in adulthood.
Why was I reminiscing? Because I was terrified I’d never see either one of them again.
I found myself almost falling asleep, forced to sit up when I heard a noise. Goosebumps popped along every inch of my skin. What if the men protecting me had been killed? What if the mob was on their way up the stairs right now? Oh, God.
The knife was still positioned in my side pocket wrapped in some clothing. I grabbed the handle, first returning to the window. Seeing nothing, another sound caught my attention. Voices. I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Not a chance in hell.
I stuck out the knife as I stood only a few feet away from the door. If the bastard kicked it in, I knew exactly where to slice the sharp blade so the fucker would bleed out instantly. At least my medical training would come into some practical use.
Hysteria was close. I could feel it in my bones.
The sharp knock on the door almost made me scream, but I stifled it.
“Alexandra. Open the door.”
I was so overwrought now, so full of emotions that there was no chance of holding back the exhausted sobs. I threw open the door, forgetting I had the knife in my hand. My godfather caught my arm.
“Whoa, baby girl. It’s me. You’re safe now.” Nico took the knife from my hand and I noticed he was standing with two other sharply dressed men.
As soon as I threw my arms around his neck, he stiffened. “You came.” I clung to him like a child who’d had a nightmare. The moment was completely awkward.
“Of course I came. I told you I would and I’m right here. Now, let’s get your things so we can get out of here.”
“Where are we going?”
I immediately backed away, shaking my head. “I’m not leaving the country. I have finals that I can’t miss, or I’ll flunk the year.”
“You’re coming with me. There is no choice.” He was staring at me incredulously.
Shaking my head in defiance was ridiculous. Did I think he was going to stay in the country watching over me? “You don’t understand how important this is to me.”
His sigh was out of intense frustration.
“We’ll work something out. I’ll contact the university. I can’t protect you here adequately. Now, get your things. This isn’t a request. Do you understand?”
He had the same stern voice I’d heard when I was younger. I was thrown by his command and the fear that I’d never return.
“Alexandra. There is no other choice. I have a jet waiting.”
A jet waiting.
A different lifestyle.
A place I’d never been allowed to visit.
I was terrified, but the trickle of electricity that I’d felt while looking at his pictures was stronger than before. He wasn’t just handsome or sexy; he was an Italian god with his thick, curly hair and deep blue eyes. They were bluer than mine, mesmerizing. And his muscles? The suit couldn’t hide his physique and I was floored at my body’s reaction.