Page 14 of She Belongs to Me
The drive was quiet, with barely any traffic on the road. It was also incident free.
When the driver pulled down the long aggregate driveaway, I considered waking her, but I honestly didn’t want to get into an argument either. I was way too exhausted and uncertain of what the future would hold.
And I needed another drink.
So I carried her into the house and up the stairs, my housekeeper preparing the nicest guest suite on the estate.
When I eased her down onto the bed, covering her with the sheet and comforter, I stood back for a few minutes.
This was going to be one of the most difficult things I’d been required to do.
Warm light was suddenly all around me, the comforting feeling washing through me creating a euphoric effect.
I tried to open my eyes, but they were heavy, every muscle in my body aching. At least I was awake enough to realize I was in a very soft bed with fluffy pillows and a wonderful comforter. Even the sheets were luxurious. Or maybe I was dreaming.
I’d had fitful dreams, mostly nightmares of seeing the man’s head rolling in my direction. His eyes had been open wide, terror in both.
I pounded my fist on the pillow, realizing my mouth was cotton dry. After prying open one eye then the other, I eased onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. There was a ceiling fan going at low speed, the beautiful ornate design and long fans mesmerizing. My mind finally processed I was in Italy. I was with my godfather. I’d been stripped of everything I knew or wanted.
Because I’d been stupid.
Sighing, I tried to prop myself up on my elbows, feeling as weak as a kitten. The room was huge, as large as the kitchen and combined living room at the condominium. It was also beautifully decorated without being… overbearing.
There was no dark wood, no wallpaper. The furniture was maple, beautiful in its simplicity and one wall painted a beautiful plum. That happened to be my favorite color. Along with red, although knowing blood had pooled on the bakery’s floor, red blood, I wasn’t certain I would call it my favorite hue any longer.
I could feel a light breeze from an open window and craned my neck to peer in its direction. It was coming from a set of French doors leading to a balcony. There were several sweet scents like orange and lemon. That couldn’t be right. Could it? I knew nothing about where my godfather lived. I’d looked up Palermo a long time ago and what I’d learned hadn’t seemed very fascinating.
However, I was intrigued now, only having seen a couple of pictures of his estate years before. I wasn’t even certain if this was the same one.
After a few seconds, I gathered the strength to pull my legs from under the covers, planting my feet on the floor. I’d be damned if there wasn’t water and a glass of orange juice sitting on my nightstand.
And both were cold.
He’d watched out over me, or else he had a housekeeping staff. Maybe both.
I took a gulp then another of water first, finally lifting the orange juice glass. I could instantly tell it was freshly squeezed. How incredible. And the taste was better than anything I’d ever had in my life.
I was in the same clothes and felt dirty after the horrible night from before and the long day. As soon as I stood, exploring the room, I realized quickly that what few clothes I’d brought had been hung or put away in the dresser drawer, my other pair of shoes neatly placed alongside the pair I’d been wearing on the trip on the closet floor.
There was an equally exquisite bathroom, more opulent than I’d seen in any fancy hotels. Not that I’d been in a lot of them, but I had seen pictures.
Seeing a robe hanging on the back of the door and a basket full of toiletries and makeup floored me. Did the powerful man treat every guest this way? Before taking a long, hot shower, I was determined to view the grounds. I was positive they were magnificent.
As soon as I walked out onto the incredible balcony, it was all I could do not to squeal. The backyard, if you could call it that, was indescribably beautiful. Plus, I could see rolling hills with trees lining them for as far as the eye could see. Closer were fruit trees with low hanging fruit. I was shocked, delighted as well.
There was a pool and an outdoor kitchen, but I could barely make that out, the landscaping was so green and lush. The aroma of the various flowers, plants, and trees was breathtaking.
I stood where I was, trying to remember another time when I’d seen anything so beautiful. I’d kept my head down, studying and doing nothing else for so long I’d barely enjoyed Georgetown.
Other than the one street I used to adore.