Page 22 of She Belongs to Me
“I’m eager to see the property. It’s just so beautiful.”
“Then let’s go.” I handed her the water and as soon as I did, our fingers touched or maybe I should say collided.
I was pulled back into an electric moment and it was obvious so was she. Not good for either one of us.
Playing it off, I took a step back, showing her the keys. “Get ready for a ride.”
She asked a few questions about the estate as she headed to the garage. Once inside, she stood still, not gawking but truly admiring my collection.
“A Maserati, an old Porsche 9-1-1, a Cougar, a personal gangster-style black SUV, a stunning Corvette, a Magnum PI Ferrari in the appropriate popping cherry red color, and a Harley? Oh, and let’s not forget a big Dodge Ram. You have it all covered. Style and opulence along with power.”
“You know your vehicles, although the SUV is a traditional ride for every powerful businessman.”
She gave me a cute look, wrinkling her nose. “I’m not a fool, Nico. Since it’s obvious I’m going to be spending some significant time here I suggest that you accept that I figured out the kind of man you were a long time ago. Being here simply solidified my belief. You are a ruthless mafia leader who is highly respected and trying to shift to a more legitimate business. That’s easy to see. And admirable. As my aunt would say, call a spade a spade.”
I had to laugh. She was straight and to the point, partially because she was so highly intelligent. I appreciated that, although she wasn’t going to learn more about my business. That wasn’t in her best interest.
Or mine for that matter.
“I adore cars. One day I was determined to purchase a Porsche, although I know it’s not practical. I promised myself that on the day I graduated from medical school. Silly, huh?”
“Not silly at all. We’re taking the Ferrari.” I motioned the way, waiting until she climbed inside before opening the garage door and the convertible top.
She looked up, glee in her eyes. “Amazing. You must love how you live.”
The truth wasn’t always wine and roses. I couldn’t complain about anything given the wealth and influence I had, but there were times I was lonely. No one knew that. It wasn’t something I could or should admit.
“Put on your seatbelt, Alexandra. As I said, we’re in for a ride.”
As soon as I revved the engine, backing out, she seemed more gleeful than before. While the best way to see the entire estate and the gorgeous trees and vineyards was by horseback, there were enough access roads to provide stunning views and the ability to walk to anywhere she wanted to go.
I headed off, being careful I didn’t press down on the accelerator as I headed away from the main part of the estate.
She was laughing by the second sharp curve, trying to keep hair from her eyes. I realized she didn’t have sunglasses and reached into the glove compartment in front of her. She stiffened just as she’d done before. When I produced an extra pair of dark shades, she sighed.
“You think of everything,” she said, her voice gruff.
“Not everything. We’ll get you a pair of your own. A shopping trip, even online, will be in order. I’ll leave you with my card later so you can purchase whatever you want from Amazon.”
“There are other stores of course, online catalog facilities that will deliver. The housekeeper will be working by the time we get back. You can ask her.”
Alexandra was staring at me incredulously. “Well, okay then.”
The woman allowed me to smile and I felt that was even a bit too taboo. I continued driving, finally turning on the satellite radio. The station was more jazz than anything.
“We’re in a hot red sports car on a gorgeous sunny day and you’re listening to jazz? Do you mind if I try and find something?”
She made me laugh all over again. “Feel free.”
After flipping from one station to another, one of them seemed to please her. She immediately started grooving in her seat. It took me a few seconds to realize what I was listening to.
“Eighties music? You’re too young.”
“You’re never too young for sexy dance music. Well, maybe you are.” Her laugh was no longer stilted, happier than I’d heard, which surprised me.
“Very funny. Maybe one night we’ll go to a club. Then you tell me.” I had no idea what I was doing or suggesting. I hadn’t been to a dance club in years. Yes, I had a preferred quiet bar where I was able to unwind and enjoy a good steak, but that was entirely different.