Page 24 of She Belongs to Me
I could only imagine.
I didn’t allow her to fall into too much despair, taking off with full acceleration. She whistled, smiling once again. We were at the vineyards within a couple of minutes.
However, on the drive I remembered something my father had asked only two days before his death. I’d loved pleasing my father. We’d been one big happy family and his approval still meant something to me. He’d taken me golfing of all things, asking me nonchalantly his favor.
He’d wanted me to marry someone, producing several heirs so the family legacy could go on. I’d wanted to ask why not Domino, but I’d known the answer. My brother was far too much of a playboy. There’d be countless scandals, his escapades photographed as they had been for years.
They didn’t matter as much since he was single. He wasn’t into drugs or doing stupid shit; he just enjoyed being with one beautiful woman after another.
Needless to say, I’d been floored. He’d suggested a pool of women and I’d almost seriously considered it. Where my brother was perfectly happy being the bachelor, I remained tired of dating, the pool of women in Palermo and the surrounding area shrinking by the year. Plus, I wasn’t romantic. I couldn’t care less about the pomp and circumstance of a heavy romance.
I’d told him I’d think about it.
And he’d died two days later without hearing my answer.
Had it felt like I’d dodged a bullet? Maybe, but for how long? Heirs were almost required in my world.
And why was I going down that path right now?
As before, she stepped out first, looking at the plants with reverence. My sister did that. She could spend hours in the vineyards, checking every plant. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Alexandra knew a little bit about vineyards herself, finally plucking a single grape off one of the vines.
She turned to face me as if I’d become angry she’d dared take a grape. I lifted an eyebrow, nodding. The expression on her face when she took a bite allowed me to grin. Everything about her was fresh, inviting. She wasn’t jaded like the people I had to deal with in my world. She was almost a babe in the woods.
I found myself clenching my fists. It was that moment I knew I’d need to stay as far away from her as possible.
If not, I’d fall into the quicksand and there would be no return.
She would then belong to me.
Hot and cold.
I’d done my best to lighten up since I knew nothing good would come from me sulking or acting like a child. I had to adjust. I’d learned to become the master of that. Plus, who could complain while being in a fantastic place like this?
Suddenly, Nico’s expression had turned dark all over again like it had when he’d walked out of the dining room the first time. I honestly didn’t know what to make of it.
But there was no doubt he’d shut down almost entirely.
I was trying to think of something to say to bring him out of his obvious funk when I heard what had to be a horse whinnying. “Is that a horse?”
He took a deep breath. Was it a sudden struggle to talk to me? “We have horses, yes. Given the size and the makeup of the property, they are often the best method of traveling and seeing all the produce.”
“Just through the vineyard?”
“Can I go see?” I didn’t give him an option of saying no. I had a feeling that’s exactly what he’d intended on doing. I raced through the vineyards, careful while doing so. When I finally reached the other side, the sight of a massive barn and huge corral was almost as shocking as everything else. There was no real reason for its existence to surprise me, but it did.
Horses were roaming the pasture, freely enjoying munching on grass. There were also bales of hay and water located where they could easily get to them. They seemed to be in every color, all stunning.
It felt as if I’d dropped into a romantic movie. I wasn’t certain if Nico had followed me, but I continued to move closer until I was standing at the fence. I had to step on the first wooden rung so I could easily see over. And hopefully be able to touch one of them.
I knew immediately when Nico was behind me, moving against the fence. He was much taller, easily able to see over the top rung without needing to boost himself. I was jealous. The crackle of current was unmistakable, this time making me feel uncomfortable.
“You ride?” he asked.