Page 31 of She Belongs to Me
Well, two could play at this game, even if I hadn’t stolen his.
There was truly a wicked streak inside of me I hadn’t known existed. Maybe it had always been buried deep inside, my studies precluding it coming out. I wasn’t a stupid girl. You didn’t post drunken fests, not that I’d experienced any. You didn’t post anything against a school or anything political either. An occasional family picture or maybe a graduation was fine, but there wasn’t a single photograph of me with a drink in my hand. I’d made certain of it.
However, having a hot credit card in my hand had allowed a different girl to emerge from the depths. I had no idea the limit, although the card was shiny graphite in color, which I thought indicated something high.
While I had a tough time navigating through Italian waters, I’d asked the very sweet housekeeper Marlene where I should look. As soon as I had, the young woman had brightened, following me into the living room and finding ten delicious-looking clothes and shoes sites for me. When I’d told her price was no limit, she’d added two more.
I had a feeling in her off time she was a bit of a wild child, but the uniform she was wearing, blue shorts and a tee shirt, certainly couldn’t highlight her personality. I’d dared ask her a few questions about Nico and she’d been hesitant to say anything at first, finally admitting he was often generous to a fault.
I put that in the back of my memory banks for when I grew furious with him.
She’d finally admitted after prodding she hadn’t seen him with another woman in the house since she’d worked there. Five years. That tidbit was placed at the forefront of my brain.
Now I was shopping like a fiend, using and abusing his credit card as he’d suggested. Maybe I was purchasing too much, but his request I buy dresses and heels had led to sexy lingerie.
I had no idea how that happened.
And new purses as well. A girl couldn’t have too many shoes or purses. Right?
When I’d finished doing the damage, I instantly felt guilty. It was tough not to. While I hadn’t added up the dollar amount—honestly, I’d be terrified to do so—I knew the total had to be in the thousands.
He’d either be angry or not. There was nothing I could do.
I laughed when I realized I’d taken less than an hour to shop. I hadn’t been on a shopping trip in as long as I could remember. Between saving every penny and not having time, Target and TJ Maxx had become my go-tos. If I wasn’t wearing scrubs.
Spending excessive amounts of money didn’t feel nearly as good as I’d thought it would. I wasn’t that girl. I was practical, savoring the smallest trinkets.
I closed his laptop lid, placing his card directly in the middle of his desk. The combination of living room and partial office seemed odd, but there was a much larger family-style room down the hallway. The house was huge with various wings that I’d yet to visit.
As I ventured into his office, checking out his books and running my fingers across his massive second desk, I tried to gather another sense of him. That was difficult because he wasn’t very forthcoming. I don’t know why I was trying so hard.
After grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen, I ventured outside, walking around the perimeter of the pool. It was late afternoon, but the sun had yet to set. It was an extraordinary place, so beautiful it still took my breath away. If only my tour hadn’t ended so badly.
I stood still for a few minutes staring off into the distance when I thought about the limited rules I’d been provided with. There was nothing against taking a walk. Why not? I would likely be back before he was and what was the harm?
It was peaceful and I needed to clear my head. Walking always did that, running more so, but I wasn’t prepared to navigate the gravel roads just yet. Maybe tomorrow. I’d been a smart girl, slipping a soft ponytail holder into the pocket of my shorts. I never went anywhere without one. I usually wore my hair that way, hating when the long strands got in my way. It wasn’t very professional either.
With my hair up, and my water bottle in my hand, I took off walking. It was easy to follow the same path Nico had taken, only I took a short cut when I came close to the olive trees. They were truly remarkable, beautiful in an entirely different way than I was used to.
I took my time walking down the middle, almost reluctant to head to the vineyards, but the delicious scent drew my attention.
Unable to help myself, I picked a handful of grapes, popping them into my mouth. They were so juicy one leaked, the liquid slipping past my lips. I found it funny, finally starting to relax after the ruthless man had pushed me back onto the edge where I’d been.
Soon, I found myself at the stable again, doing nothing more than leaning over the railing. At least after a couple of minutes, two horses came to be petted. It was still a surreal moment in my mind, something I’d never thought I’d experience.
Only a few seconds later, I noticed Romeo. It appeared he was starting to corral some of the horses. Maybe the deeply wicked side of me reared again, but I couldn’t help myself, easing into the gate and heading for the barn. Maybe I felt the need to apologize for Nico’s actions.
Ridiculous, but it was the kind of girl I was.
I moved just to the doorway, peering inside. There was no sign of him. Just stunning horses. I shoved one hand into my pocket, moving further inside. I still didn’t see him and decided to check the other side. The moment I turned to head that way, I ran smack into a hard body.
“Merda. Stai bene?” The man’s voice was husky, just as deep as Nico’s.
“I… I’m not certain what you said.”
“Pardon me,” he said and wrinkled his nose as he seemed to be having a hard time with figuring out the words in English. “My English is a little… rusty. I’m sorry. I asked if you were okay.”