Page 33 of She Belongs to Me
Like the man already owned me.
“Then I’ll take you up on your kind offer. Maybe the quick ride will tire me out.”
“No ride. Just a walk. You won’t be ready for riding for a long time. If Mr. Marciano allows it, I’d be happy to train you how to ride.”
I wanted to shout out to the world I would love that, but why bother? Nico would just squash the idea from the beginning. “That’s such a kind offer.”
Another awkward moment settled between us, but it had less to do with him not knowing what to say to me. It was clear he was attracted.
And so was I.
Well, shit.
“Come with me. I’ll show you how to saddle a horse.”
I trailed behind him and he switched gears completely, explaining comfort for a horse when a human rode, the mistakes riders made, and just how much he adored the animals. Horses seemed to be his life. Simple. Easy. Honest.
He selected a beautiful horse who immediately walked up to me. She wasn’t huge like some, but was just as beautiful.
“Sadie is older, but a doll baby. She will be an excellent first-time horse. Now, the perfect saddle.”
Romeo explained that as well, enjoying talking about the leather and placing a blanket on certain horses. When she was saddled, he grinned as if he was having more fun than he was used to. He led her outside by the reins.
“I don’t even know how to… mount a horse?” I said and the sound was sheepish, which wasn’t like me.
“I will help you.” As I’d seen in the movies, he intertwined his fingers of both hands, lowering it to where I could place my foot while instructing me as to which one. I felt stupid, but did one of my infamous squeals as I was placed on the majestic horse. Oh, my God. I felt so tall.
And I was utterly and positively petrified, frozen. I wasn’t certain if my mouth wasn’t open and I was drooling. Oh, this was a good look.
“I… Can’t.”
Romeo looked up at me or so I thought he had. I was too terrified to look down, fearful I’d fall off. “Yes, you can. Nice and slow. Let me have a little discussion with Sadie.”
A tiny bit of being petrified like a mummy wore off as he pressed his face next to the horse’s ear. It was obvious he was chatting with her, even using his hands. I had a feeling he was doing this to help me gain my confidence.
When he pulled back, he patted her flanks. “Sadie said she will be as gentle as you need. Just take two deep breaths for me and tell me a little about yourself.”
“Not much to tell.” I was even speaking through gritted teeth.
“Nonsense. You have a job or something back in America. Yes?”
“Actually, I’m a medical student, third year.”
“Fantastic. What are you studying? A specialty?”
“Maybe surgery.”
“A healer. That is wonderful.”
The man was good, his training amazing. I hadn’t even noticed he’d walked Sadie several feet, already making me feel comfortable.
Only a few minutes later, I felt an entirely different wave of peace, happy that I’d tried something out of my comfort zone.
“I know it’s very late, Ms. Carter, but I know Alexandra will very much appreciate the effort you’ve gone to in order to allow her to finish her stellar year.”