Page 37 of She Belongs to Me
She’d soon learn otherwise.
“That’s not playing nice, Alexandra,” he told me.
“You don’t play nice. Do you?” I wanted to push him even further. I wanted to see how far this would go. While I’d already cracked the thick lock on Pandora’s Box, the woman inside I’d kept controlled wanted to throw it wide open.
There was nothing oppressive about the darkness. It added to the sensual atmosphere. I wasn’t certain what to expect, but after he grinned, laughed, and stroked the side of my face lovingly, he flipped me around to face the tree.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, since it’s been established I’m not a nice guy. I don’t need to handle you with kid gloves.” He certainly wasn’t gentle in jerking on my shorts until he managed to unfasten and get them down, exposing a vulnerable side of me. Was this tit for tat since I’d ripped his shirt? No, it was for something much darker.
His jealousy, the green-eyed monster.
“You don’t want me even talking to another man. Isn’t that what this is all about? You’re angry I might find someone else attractive. Other than you, the king.”
I don’t know if my button pressing was working, but he scooped something off the ground. I found out only two seconds later.
Swish. Swish.
Shit. What was he doing?
I had no idea a tiny stick could produce so much force. The pain was… There were no words to describe it. Of course being in the dark didn’t help. I couldn’t see his swats coming.
And boy, did they come.
My bottom was on fire barely five seconds later. Parts of every round of punishment could be divided into various seconds of time. It was something to think about as I struggled to get out of his hold. He’d also managed to yank my arms over my head, holding my wrists in place. Still, being the rebellious spirit, I kicked him, trying for his knees, but I had a feeling my aim was off after the grunt he issued.
But that didn’t stop him, the man delivering one swish after another. I wiggled and moaned, hating him for his jealousy.
“Guess what? There are other men just as handsome as you are.” That hadn’t come out right. I’d just admitted to the arrogant jerk that he was good looking. I closed my eyes, trying my best to ignore the pain. What was the point in fighting him? There was nowhere to go. I was certain he had a way of locking me inside my room if I angered him enough. The entire situation was childish.
He knew it.
I knew it.
But that didn’t stop the wild jolts of current jumping between us. They only increased as he continued to bring the switch down on my naked bottom. I made sure that every moan was followed by a growl, refusing to show the man he was getting to me with either the pain or… anything else. When I could tell he was finished and he let go of my arms, I jerked away, tugging on my shorts to get them back into place.
“Are you happy now, godfather? Or should I call youcumpari?” I’d heard the Italian translation for godfather a long time before, but certainly never thought I’d toss it out there.
Nico did stop short, the moonlight drifting in through the trees allowing me to catch a grin. I was shocked the man’s face didn’t crack. “Very nice, Alexandra. I can see I’ll need to brush up on terms of endearment, finding the right one for you.”
I hadn’t paid enough attention; he’d taken a short but purposeful step closer.
Nothing really prepared a girl for an overwhelming attraction.
All consuming.
I’d been so angry, furious with him with every ounce of my body. But the moment he’d started chasing me, something had shifted between us.
His possessiveness was outrageous, but I’d never felt so excited in my life. I had no clue how that was possible or if I’d lost my mind, but after ripping his shirt, I placed my hands on his chest. His skin was hot, making me gasp. The darkness swirling around us would normally feel oppressive, but it added to the mystery and perhaps the raging desire.