Page 42 of She Belongs to Me
“What? The Greeks killing each other?”
She just wasn’t going to let it go. “As you likely ascertained, they are violent and unpredictable. The entire building where you lived was burned to the ground.”
“What?” The shock was real.
“Yes, but so far, there is no conclusive evidence the fire was purposely set.”
“But you know it was.” She was shaking from anger. “The bastard. It wasn’t good enough to ruin my life? He had to do so for others?”
“I suspect you are correct and Adonis doesn’t care about anyone else.”
“Was anyone killed? The building had at least eight tenants.”
“One body was found.” I didn’t need to see her eyes more than I did to know tears had sprung in them.
“I’m so angry. I would love to kill that bastard myself. Maybe I will.”
Admirable but stupid, something said out of fear and defeat. “Along with that, someone came close to getting into your aunt’s house.”
“No. No!” She flew at me with all the rage I’d seen before. She slammed her fists against my chest, her eyes searching mine. “You told me you’d protect her and my cousin. You promised me!”
I gripped her arms. Being this close to her all over again was dangerous, but there was nothing I could do about it. “She’s being moved to a safehouse with additional security, more details placed on the hospital. It will be much easier to keep her safe.”
“You can’t promise me they won’t get to her. Can you? Can you?”
“Nothing with regard to the mafia is ever predictable. But I trust the people guarding her and they will kill anyone who attempts to get to her.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel more comfortable?” She jerked away as she’d done before, her hatred stronger.
“If needed, I’ll have both brought here.”
“The big, bad protective wings of an equally dangerous man. I guess that’s supposed to make me sleep easier tonight. Well, it won’t. And she’ll fight you to keep from coming here. Remember what she thinks about you.” She walked away, her body language highlighting just how defeated she appeared.
Her defiance was such that I wasn’t certain I could keep away from her. There was no use in telling her that what we’d shared could never happen again. She’d simply have a nasty comeback and I honestly couldn’t blame her.
Not addressing it at all would likely come back to haunt me, but at that moment, I wasn’t in the mood to explain anything.
Including my jealousy.
We would proceed as if nothing had occurred. It was best that way.
Yet she was so beautiful.
So breathtaking.
So intelligent.
I knew it was going to be one of the most difficult things I’d done in my entire life. But the ugly truth was right there in front of my face.
If the Greeks saw her as a weakness, all hell would break loose.
I’d had so many over the last couple of days I was numb. My aunt had been placed in serious danger because of me.