Page 49 of She Belongs to Me
What he’d become.
I continued to be as breathless as he was. He had to be experiencing pain from the way I was digging my nails into his wrists. If so, I would never know it. He was far too masculine and in charge. When he licked around my mouth, I was shocked how gentle the move was. Somehow, I had a feeling it was the last tender moment I would feel.
As the man captured my mouth, holding our lips in place, he rubbed the palm of his hand down my back. I thought he’d cup my bottom to pull me closer, but as usual, I was wrong. He had no patience left nor did he want to fight with my boy short pajama bottoms. He simply grabbed a handful and ripped them from my body.
I yelped into the kiss, but he’d slipped his hand to the back of my neck, squeezing even more possessively than before. The rush of adrenaline and hunger was colliding much like our lips were crushed together. No air space.
As soon as he swept his tongue inside, I twisted mine around his, which forced him to growl all over again. He had a way of pushing my buttons as well. But I was going to remind him I was a player in all of this as often as possible.
I was losing patience myself, rubbing the flats of my hands against his shoulders and over them, digging my nails into his neck with one hand. He responded by finally yanking my body closer, grinding his hips against mine. The friction was incredible, almost as much as the man.
Energy rushed through me and I clawed at his back, gyrating my hips against his several times.
We were two wild animals, but more sophisticated in our actions than in the forest. There we’d been allowed, nature encouraging our primal beings. Here, we were in a comfortable room, provided with all the creature comforts in the world. Maybe this would last longer than an explosion of emotions.
He kept me crushed to him as the kiss entered an entirely new phase, our bodies working together. The meshing of our souls felt inevitable, which was ridiculous because that would mean our hearts would collide. That wasn’t going to happen.
The intimacy we shared, the powerful sense of need, was overwhelming. We roamed our hands over each other’s back. We shifted back and forth in time to a silent music, as if we both knew the beat. The moment was magical.
Very slowly, he used the power of his upper thighs to slowly lower me to the soft pillows, unfurling my legs immediately.
Nico pushed up from the bed, his hands planted on either side of me. He was highlighting the full power of his strength, staying aloft. Our lips never lost contact, his tongue freely sweeping through my mouth as if exploring. I was more lightheaded than I’d been even lying down, sucking in breath from his lungs and giving it back in strangled moans.
The fact no man had ever kissed me this passionately remained in the forefront of my mind. I was so lost in the moment I hadn’t realized he’d opened my legs, his tangling with mine. But the moment I felt his cock pressing against my wetness, I shuddered to my core. He was going to fuck me. This wasn’t just about a mystery man or a one-night stand. This was about something I couldn’t put my finger on.
Maybe I would never be able to. Maybe I didn’t care.
He broke the kiss, but that didn’t stop his moment of taking full control. His growl was back to being primal as he raked his teeth from one side of my jaw to the other. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to me as evidenced by his hard bite on my lower lip.
The single drop of blood was coppery in taste, salty yet not repulsive. He wasted no time, breathing hard as he bit down on my chin, even shaking his head like an animal would do when the beast had captured its prey.
But he kept going, exploring and teasing with his tongue and lips. I wanted nothing more than to touch him, but I fisted the sheets, digging my heels into the softness as I tossed my head back and forth. Everything was ticklish and full of heat. I could easily see him doing this for hours.
Panting, I bit down on my lower lip myself to keep from screaming. I didn’t think anyone was in the house, but I also didn’t want soldiers bursting into the room. Talk about humiliating.
I never would have believed such a ruthless and dangerous man could be so passionate, even romantic in his actions, but that’s exactly the way I felt. He was amazing in the way he touched and kissed me, pressing his lips down gently then forcefully. The dynamics were amazing.
Writhing seemed to be all I could do around him, trying to keep some sense of my sanity. He made it tough, so much so I couldn’t stop moaning, much like he couldn’t seem to stop growling. The entire moment was worth capturing for a future memory. Why was it that I suddenly felt like giggling?
He continued his travels, moving to my stomach where he rimmed my belly button before moving from one hip to the other. He was now sucking, keeping the goosebumps covering my body electrified.
As he shifted to my legs, both tensed involuntarily. I continued digging my heels into the bedding, tossing my head back and forth. All he was doing was lightly pressing his lips against my skin, but the moment he did, the world lit up with crazy jolts of electricity. I could see it, taste it, feel the energy as if neon was blasting in the room.
Breathless, I was suddenly laughing nervously. I’d never been this open for a man. It didn’t matter there were shadows to hide me, to protect the girl hurt by cheapness and booze with other men, unwanted touches almost turning into something more aggressive. Nico was different.
He was… magnificent.
The fact he continued taking his time, wrapping one hand around my calf and pulling my stiff leg off the sheets was almost too much.
“Relax, my little flower. You’re mine. Under my protection. Full of the same desire.”
He wasn’t lying there.
I tried to do what he asked, taking one deep breath after another. I could finally feel the tension lessening as he caressed my foot with one hand. I was shocked how relaxed I became so quickly. His kisses traveled further down, kissing the top of my foot. If he sucked on my toes, all bets were off. That was too… Nope.
He didn’t, growling as if forced to let go. He shifted his body weight and I almost taunted him by moving away, but with one slap of his hand on my other leg, I could tell he knew what I was thinking.
What special traits didn’t the man have? He seemed to know me far too well while I barely knew him at all.