Page 51 of She Belongs to Me
Nico remained on his hands, peering down at me with lust and curiosity. I couldn’t blink because I didn’t want to miss a second. The fucking turned more brutal, a touch like the night before. I placed my other leg in the same position as the first, using my strong thigh muscles to clamp down.
The playful side of me took over and I somehow managed to roll him over onto his back, even slamming my hands down on the bed as he’d done with me. He took that opportunity to laugh and make good on the reason he hadn’t wanted me to remove my ponytail. As he grabbed it with force, I issued a series of guttural moans.
Maybe it wasn’t very ladylike, but without his prodding, I began to ride him. I was shocked how much my muscles ached, but the pain was deliriously good, so much so I bucked hard and fast.
“Slow down, girl, or I’ll need to tie your hands to the bed.”
“Not a chance.”
I laughed and tossed my hair back and forth across his face, rocking the bed with enough force the headboard slammed against the wall.
He was grinning like a kid, happier than I thought I’d ever see him. The intimate time spent together was perfect in every way.
Even if it wouldn’t last.
I continued fucking him and he allowed it.
Until he didn’t, flipping me back over and this time yanking one arm over my head just before the other.
“What are you doing?” I whined, although the sound was more like a purr.
“Curtailing your actions. I can tell I need to.” He was having fun with this, easily wrapping one hand around both wrists as he’d done in the forest.
Truth be told, I allowed him to.
The game was fun, still full of passion. I was shocked his cock was still buried deep inside and he didn’t waste any time, pulling out until the tip was just inside then slamming into me again. He could really rock the bed more so that I could.
I wrapped both legs around his hips, our coupling something off the charts. A fire was building between us, starting in our cores. I was letting go in a way I didn’t think I could, surrendering to him even though our actions weren’t a traditional dominating and submitting scenario.
Why did I have a feeling that was coming?
The wild thoughts were driven away as the pleasure skyrocketed. Maybe five seconds passed and my entire body exploded with sensations rocketing through me.
“Oh, God. I… You’re going to make me come.”
I wasn’t entirely certain if my voice was even recognizable.
“Perfect. Come for me then, little flower. Come on my cock.” His words were more of a growl as well as a command.
My toes curled, my skin tingling to the point of madness and as the climax built into a wildfire, I arched my back as much as possible. A scream was bubbling, but he captured it, causing the intense moan to slide into my throat.
No words could accurately capture the moment. None. It was perfect in every way. He didn’t stop moving, his rhythm pushing the single orgasm, keeping it going.
What I hadn’t expected was a second one to erupt right after the first. Now I screamed into his mouth. There was nothing else I could do.
When I started coming down from the rafters, a feeling of more euphoria washed through me.
As well as exhaustion.
I closed my eyes, whimpering as soon as he broke the kiss.
He resumed kissing my lips and my cheeks, moving to my throat and chest. I’d never felt so relaxed. I could feel a warm glow sliding slowly over us.
I had a feeling he felt it as well. He finally collapsed on top of me, shifting his weight so he wouldn’t crush me.
Not that I would have cared.