Page 59 of She Belongs to Me
She burst into laughter all over again and this time I joined her. “Don’t let my brother’s gruff demeanor fool you. He’s a pussycat. You can easily wrap him around your little finger. If…” she offered another sly look, “that’s what you want to do.”
“Nico has been there for me and my aunt since my father was married, my mother dying in childbirth. I owe him so much, including my respect.”
“I know. I joke a lot about my family because at times, it’s best that I do. We’re close. Don’t get me wrong. I adore both my brothers. They are very different, but that’s okay.”
I had no idea what to say at this point, preferring to enjoy the ride. The twists and turns lessened, and the beautiful turquoise blue of the water was fading into the distance. I’d gotten a real look at Nico’s estate, shocked at the acreage he owned. The grounds were as stunning as the house itself, the manicured aspect also full of tropical touches. I hadn’t noticed a massive iron fence surrounding the property from any windows.
It was far enough away even if not covered by so much foliage and lined by beautiful trees, I couldn’t have seen it. While it should provide a feeling of protection and security, it added to the remaining fear that refused to leave. I wondered if that would ever go away. I also wanted to ask if Isabella ever felt the same or was used to her life and her surroundings.
Including the two men she wanted to brush off. Her detail. It was tough to believe in this age there were families still required to live that way. But even our politicians were, especially those in higher ranking positions.
“The actual reason Nico doesn’t like the city is too many bad memories,” she said much more quietly.
It took me a minute to realize what she was saying. “My father.”
“It nearly killed him. But enough sadness. At least I can highlight my beautiful city.”
Before I was locked down. The thought was silly but honestly, I had a feeling that’s what Nico would resort to.
As she approached the city, I shifted forward in my seat. Not knowing anything about Italy other than what I’d read in history books and a couple of travel magazines online, nothing had prepared me for the old-world look of the massive building.
“See? Dozens upon dozens of churches plus art museums. The city is rich with incredible art. It’s interesting how when you live here, you don’t pay any attention to your surroundings or the reasons tourists flock to Sicily in the first place.”
“Just like attending college in Georgetown. I never went to Washington, DC. I had little time to do anything, but I think you always believe you have time when your luck and fate can change quickly.”
“Stop worrying, Alexandra. I know that’s hard. You’re in a foreign country. You don’t know the family and you witnessed a crime that my brother is losing his mind over. However, my brother is the best at what he does. Whatever he touches, it turns to gold.”
“What about shoving off violence?”
She smiled, but it wasn’t as happy-go-lucky as before.
“Stop worrying. That’s all I can tell you. Now, I know an incredible restaurant and we’ll start with mimosas.”
“I shouldn’t since I need to study,” I told her.
“What’s a little sinful juice to stop you from succeeding?”
Sinful juice. The two little words brought up the night before all over again. When he’d awakened me much later, I hadn’t expected him to be so determined to… claim all of me. It had been strangely fulfilling and that was definitely something I hadn’t expected. I wouldn’t admit that to anyone, but I’d enjoyed the entire night. Even watching him pacing the floors in worry.
I had a feeling the house was now going to be turned into a fortress.
Isabella cut off two drivers and she was right there screaming at them in Italian. She had a way of making me feel lighter, less anxious. Plus, she was somewhere close to my age. At least for as long as I was forced to stay in the country, I might enjoy some female company.
She pulled quickly into a tiny parking lot of what appeared to be a bistro, forced to brake hard before she smashed into another vehicle.
I had a death grip on the dashboard at that point. “Woman. Maybe I need to explain in graphic detail what happens to a human body just after a horrific car accident.”
Snorting, she cut the engine, whipping out the keys. “Please. Nico had sat me down explaining the same thing. And he’s very graphic himself.”
“But that hasn’t stopped you. Death wish much?”
Her grin could be so infectious. “Come, darling. We have getting to know each other to do.” She jumped from the car, taking a deep breath and barely waiting for me to join her.
I followed behind her, but I certainly wasn’t going to admit anything was going on with her brother.
Oh, hell, no.
“Incidentally, my stick in the mud brother agreed to allow me to plan a little dinner party in a few nights. Maybe you’ll be finished with exams by then. I’ll have plenty of celebratory wine and champagne.” Isabella made everything seem like fun, but I sensed a serious side to her.