Page 7 of She Belongs to Me
The fashion designer out of Milan? Bullshit.
“And I’m not?”
My phone rang, another somewhat unusual occurrence this late. When I received a call, that usually meant there was an issue. Typically, the call would be from one of my Capos or my brother.
However, when I yanked out my phone, seeing a number from the US made my hackles rise.
“Are you going to kill me, sir?” Gio whined.
“You’re in luck, buddy. I have other personal business to take care of. Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back or I will.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
God, I loathed weak links.
I was immediately concerned the moment I recognized the number. My ward, a young woman who’d been placed in my financial care when she was a tiny baby almost never contacted me. She was her own person now, a grown woman from what I’d heard. She was making her way in life, a very good person from what I could tell.
Who the hell was I kidding? I’d all but stalked her over the years.
“Alexandra,” I said as I answered.
“Nico. I’m in trouble.”
I headed back toward my living room, grabbing my drink. “What kind of trouble?”
“I saw something I shouldn’t have by accident, a murder,” she whispered. “A man’s head being cut off inside a bakery.” I could easily tell by her voice she was petrified.
I closed my eyes briefly. “Are you hurt?”
“No, but they’re after me. They trashed my place. They threatened me. I don’t know what to do. I just don’t know…” She started crying, but at least she wasn’t hysterical.
“Alexandra, where are you?”
“In a park. I didn’t know where to go.”
Shit. This was some bad juju at this point. I was in Palermo, Italy and she was in Georgetown in the United States. I couldn’t be further away. “Do you have cash for a room?”
“I think so. At least for a couple nights.”
“Okay, here’s what you’re going to do. Find a motel somewhere off the beaten path where you can hide your car in the back or near trees. Rent a room that allows you to see the main road. Text me the name and address. I have contacts there, men who can temporarily protect you until I can get there. Do you understand?”
“You’re coming here?” she asked, obviously shocked.
“Absolutely. It’s going to take me a little time, but I will be there and we’ll figure this out. Don’t leave the room. Keep an eye out. Okay?”
“Yes. I can do that. Nico? These are some really bad men. Like the mob.”
It wasn’t news at this point. I was fully aware of the various crime syndicates throughout the world. Hell, my family’s regime was still considered one of then, the dark and infamous Cosa Nostra. You didn’t become as successful as I had without keeping abreast of your possible enemies. I did some business in the US, but not enough to warrant being on anyone’s radar. Yet, anyway.
“I understand, but I can handle the situation. Just stay calm and follow my orders. I’ll contact you when I’ve arrived in the States.” I almost told her to go get a burner phone, but I doubted the basic thugs I knew existed around the DC area were that sophisticated yet.
However, time was of the essence.
“Okay. Thank you. I had nowhere else to turn,” she whispered. “My aunt. What about my aunt? I told her to go stay with a friend.”
“Excellent. You did well. I’ll make certain we establish something to have her protected, but first things first.”
“Okay.” She didn’t sound as if I’d convinced her. I’d never heard her voice so small. She was a bold girl and always had been, rebellious in every way. Then again, I didn’t know her any longer. I wasn’t kid friendly and had urged her mother’s sister to care for the girl, even though I’d provided all the financial considerations over the years. It was the least I could do for my friend.