Page 94 of She Belongs to Me
“The judge who ruled on almost all of the projects. There’d been a combined suit against the pipeline developer. The judge was a hard-ass.”
“How did he die, electrocution?”
“A car accident. Both ruled accidents, but the FBI must be going nuts in their investigation.”
“Maybe not depending on the number of people involved.” I shook my head. “Keep an eye out.”
Enzo stormed into my office second later, completely breathless. “We have problems.”
“Problems?” I asked, uncertain I wanted to hear this.
He nodded, walking closer. “Two men broke into one of our larger production facilities.”
Luca snorted. “Which one?”
“The one where there’s office space above.”
I glanced from one man to another. Things weren’t just heating up. They were getting explosive.
A saboteur.
The unwanted news that two unknown men had been found in one of our offsite olive oil production facilities had done little more than enrage me. The location was also where we kept the limited contraband we sent over to the United States. Our family was mostly out of the drug market, one I loathed being involved in, but there’d been long-term contracts to fulfill.
If the source was found, the shit would hit the fan in the worst way.
I trusted the few people who knew completely. I was fully aware there were new instruments that helped identify any illegal drugs. I hadn’t purchased one and had read only some information on the military’s development, but I wouldn’t put it past Adonis or Mattia for that matter to hunt one down.
The two men were resourceful, and both wanted the Marciano regime destroyed. I continued to question what it could have to do with my corporation other than taking more territory in the States.
The location was secure, almost like Fort Knox. I was shocked anyone had managed to get inside.
My hackles were raised and I resisted contacting Domino. He would freak out and that was the last thing I needed at this point.
A full day had passed with no new information prior to this, no threats of any kind. Now it seemed all hell was breaking loose. Or maybe both men were tying up loose ends. Luca had provided me with a limited dossier on twenty or so people involved with the pipeline project. He hadn’t needed to do but so much sleuthing.FortuneMagazine had a four-page article on the project and the benefits of it going through.
It seemed Adonis and his thugs were picking off the most influential of the group.
I hadn’t been resting on my laurels, but I’d been hopeful there would be a break somewhere, one that I could grasp onto. A half dozen of my computer wizards had continually scoured the internet, also checking to ensure we hadn’t been breached in any manner. It was way too quiet, which usually meant something was going to happen.
But a successful break-in had been the last thing on my mind.
Elio hadn’t called. Neither had my contact. I had a very bad feeling Elio had skipped the country. What in the fuck could he be hiding that had been so damn important over the years?
At least as of this morning, everything was in order. There’d been no additional attempts to kill Alexandra’s aunt. I’d allowed my ward to make a limited phone call, which had at least made her feel better. What I didn’t like was the calm, the utter quiet. But my lead hacker had assured me a half dozen times no one had tried to break into any account.
Something was off and it felt like a ticking time bomb.
The break-in was difficult to concentrate on, but I needed to handle this in an entirely different way than using a pen.
Even worse, the alarms hadn’t gone off. If two of my men hadn’t been checking as they did their rounds, the bastards would have gotten away with whatever they were looking for.
Given the drugs in the safe room were low in supply at this point, my mind was reaching for intellectual property. We also had a separate set of books with contracts and information regarding special clients located in the facility. I’d been the one who’d wanted to keep this part of the business at arm’s length.
There were eleven months to go with contracts and our family was out.
“I don’t like this,” Luca told me.