Page 49 of Greer's Change
He lowers the papers he’s been scrutinizing, and his forehead wrinkles. “You jest.”
“Hardly.” I give a pointed look. We may despise each other, but he knows me well enough to understand I’ve never had a desire to take on a progeny. “I did what was best for Black Cove and repeated her transformation, thus tying her to me in the process. And yet, you have the audacity to walk into my office likeI’vedone something wrong?”
“You’ll need to register her within three days,” Bart says, tossing the contract onto my desk.
“I will.” I nod, exhaling heavily. I was far too optimistic when I hoped she could fly under the radar long enough for me to address her former maker. “I have to tell you, Bart. She was a siren prior to her botched change.”
The demon hisses as his head tilts. “And she’ll be able to verify this? You know what I mean—we’ll need her statement. Otherwise, you’ll need to prove she was undead when she made her way to you.”
I’ve already considered how much easier it would be for the North American Paranormal Council if they could simply blame me for her change.
“Her original maker compelled her heavily upon releasing her. Even my compulsion wasn’t able to override his commands, but I haven’t tried since our bond snapped into place.” I sigh, swiping my hand over my face. “I had no desire to take on such an all-encompassing commitment, but I made the best call I could with little time to think things through. The fever had already set in.”
Bart blinks his huge eyes and finally nods. “I see. File the paperwork within three days and make sure she’s present. I’ll need to do a quick interview myself. I take it you’ll handle the humans?”
Oh yes, I would love to handle them, but I’ll have to settle for issuing the hundred-thousand-dollar check they’re promised in the contract and moving on. If they were to perish so soon after filing a complaint, I would be the prime suspect.
“I will.” Shoving my chair back, I stand. “I wasn’t expecting the connection between Greer and me to be so all-consuming. I find I’m feeling very self-righteous on her behalf. I don’t have to tell you what will happen if her original maker attempts to reclaim her.”
“File the damn paperwork. That way, we’re all covered,” Bart mutters, swiping a hand through the air. He shuffles toward the door, complaining that he hates working nights and vampires are all a pain in the dick to deal with.
Well, he’s not wrong about that.
Speaking of dicks, I’d like to know why mine has been hard as fucking rock for the last half an hour.
It’s not hard to guess where I’ll find my progeny. It only makes sense that she would want to see her mate.
I barely survived my sire. He was the type to believe that, since he granted me eternal life, it was his right to rescind the offer if he so chose.
Sliding through the staff-only door, I come to a dead stop. Seiran and Reign have Greer trapped between them, and they’re putting on quite the show.
The door closes with a loud click as I release it, but with all the other sounds in the massive theater, I’m the only one who notices.
If they intended to put on a performance like they currently are, we should be treating this like a special event, rather than a normal general admission night.
And fucking hell, they are putting onquitethe show.
Seiran is on his knees on the stage with his wings spread out wide behind him. He holds Greer with her back to his chest and his hands under her ass, keeping her spread wide open. His tongue is in full demon form, and while Reign blocks most of my view, I believe Seiran is licking her clit while Reign fucks her.
The mimic’s shadows tease her luscious tits, and I find my anger rising the closer I get to the stage.
This isn’t just about them being financially irresponsible when it comes to the business. Not a single one of them checked in on me while I was dealing with the council. Oh no, they’ve been fucking the night away without a care in the world.
It’s not that my feelings are hurt. I’m not convinced I have normal emotions. I’m annoyed that Greer didn’t even check in with me upon arrival.
She ismyprogeny.
Why is my vision going cloudy?
Dammit. This is not a great sign.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Not being able to see Novak doesn’t change that I can feel his eyes on me. Seiran tenderly drops my dress over my head as we prepare to leave the stage. It’s bizarre because Reign magicked their clothes back on, but I had to physically be put into my dress.
“Are you okay? You’re a little trembly,” Reign says, running his hands down my arms.