Page 14 of Longing for More
“Now, Mamas,” he started, “you’re going to lead me to your bedroom and lie on the bed. And I’m going to get a taste of this pretty little pussy before we even think about breeding you. Let’s get you ready for me.”
The Christmas treein the corner of Aspen and Ryder’s bedroom stood straight, surrounded in warm fairy lights, gold and white ornaments, and a skirt around the bottom of the tree. It supported a few wrapped presents, covered in equally matching white and gold accented wrapping paper.
I smiled. Ryder always told me that Aspen loved Christmas more than any other holiday, with her second favorite being Halloween, but it was nice to see it with my own eyes. While I had been invited over for the holidays, I had never seen their tree as they kept it in their bedroom, just for her.
She always bought him presents, too, to which he groaned—saying he had everything he could ever need.
She still did it, though. Even if she didn’t know if he would make it home for Christmas.
Just in case.
I longed for what they had more than anything.
And—after the night ended—if Aspen decided she wanted me and Ryder both, I would kiss her feet and worship her like the angel she genuinely was.
I shoved the thoughts out of my mind, relying on the bravado I had taken control over moments before. Aspen’s decision was a decision for tomorrow, and every day after it.
Tonight, I was going to give her everything I had.
Even if it ruined me in the process.
Ryder’s girl shimmied out of her dress as he laid down on the bed, unbuttoning his uniform and sliding it off of his arms and torso. The bold tattoo on his right arm contrasted starkly against his skin, adding to his dominating appearance. I watched as he rubbed a hand across the slowly-growing facial hair, nervous. Though, the hard length poking out from behind his pants surely indicated his other emotions.
In complete honesty, I had no idea who I wanted to focus on more—him or her.
Sometimes, I was truly far too bisexual to function.
I had seen Ryder naked more times than I could count from our time in service, and I had never thought of anything sexual with him, even in my open sexuality.
Until now.
Fuck, I was a goner.
Aspen blushed when my gaze moved back towards her. I was resting against their bedroom door, fully enjoying the show I was being graced with, though my heart started beating out of my chest as my eyes swept over what she was hiding under that dress. Her slim figure held bright red, mesh lingerie, matching the Santa hat that still rested on her head, with garters connecting at her thighs to her waist. White fishnets clung to her creamy legs, balancing the erotic and bright colors equally.
I smirked as I stared at them. Those weren’t going to last long.
I was going to rip them to shreds to get to her if I had to.
Ryder interrupted my train of thought, patting the bed, right between his legs. His hardened length still rested heavily againsthis thigh, but he ignored it entirely—instead, staring at Aspen intently. “C’mere, baby girl. Right between my legs. Come lay on my chest. Let me touch you while he takes care of you.”
Like the good girl she was for her boyfriend, she listened and I bit my lip as I watched her ass bounce lightly as she walked.
Note to self, I thought.His girl likes being told what to do.
I could handle that.
I matched Ryder, taking off the top of my uniform and shrugged it down onto the pile where he was laying. We would probably pay for that in the morning, when we had to steam clean and iron the shit out of it so it was pressed and presentable for our next event, but there were much higher priorities at the moment.
Aspen found herself comfortable in between Ryder’s legs, both of them watching me as I stalked closer to them. She already looked like she was overstimulated and I almost pitied the poor girl.
Twisting the dog tag around my neck, I moved it to lay against my tattooed back before shimmying down on the bed and laying on my stomach.