Page 18 of Master B-1901
“I was yelling.” It wasn’t a question. My voice was monotone as I brought the cup to my lips trying to recall the reoccurring dream or memory that kept coming.
I was yelling? At whom? Why?
Nothing was clear as I finished off the water and pushed to stand. The tension between Elec and Melissa built at her walking closer, and I didn’t want to have any part of it.
“Are we done? My head hurts. I’m ready to go back to my apartment.”
The Main Master went to speak but stopped himself as he threw a hard look at my doctor. At the gesture of his hand, Mistress Two straightened her shoulders.
“I want you back in a few days. We need to address some things discovered today. I’m pretty busy, but I’ll call you when I have an exact time and date. It’s imperative we get you in.”
I didn’t wait. I reached over grabbing my slave’s hand as I headed for the door. Just as I approached, I placed the glass ona small table, pushing through the door at a fast pace. My legs were wobbly, and pain kept stabbing into my brain. It felt like mush. Like someone had put it in a jar and shook the hell out of it.
“I don’t know why I keep coming back to this shit.” I slowed at the elevator, stopping as I took in the button. At my long pause, my slave reached forward, pushing it for me. The fact that I hadn’t thought to do that left me pulling at the collar of the gray T-shirt I wore.
“Master, I detect you’re unwell. The session was hard on you. May I make a suggestion?”
Was I supposed to answer? I was suddenly too tired to speak. My arm lifted, and I flicked my hand, half lazily, half…unable to remember what to say.
“I believe you need rest. I would like for you to nap while I make you lunch. Something healthy and nutritious. Maybe if?—”
“Sandwich. I don’t do healthy.”
Dizziness had me reaching for the wall next to the elevator. My slave had her arm around me, leading me to the lounge area before I could get steady on my feet. How she managed to take on the majority of my weight was baffling but barely a thought as I fought the rotation of the room.
“You need assistance. I will get the Main Master.”
The room wavered, almost turning sideways as I went to tell her no. But it was already too late. She was running, and me…I was falling to the side on the loveseat she’d sat me on.
Colors blurred. The view before me faded. The screams edged in, and I could feel my breath catch in my throat.
“I’m going to tell you a story…It didn’t have to be this way.”
“I didn’t know. Please. I didn’t know!”
The collage of screams came back, deafening and overwhelming to my senses. I could feel my lids squeezing shut.My teeth were biting down against each other as I covered my ears to muffle them out.
“I didn’t know,” I ground out. “I didn’t know!”
“Brad.” Pressure gripped my shoulder, shaking and squeezing me. “Brad!”
“I didn’t know.”
“Brad, look at me.”
The room spun again as I was pulled up. I stared into the Main Master’s face, but I didn’t recognize the man who was staring at me in his own sense of horror. He was pale. He looked just as shaky as me.
“Talk to me. What happened?”
“I didn’t know.”
“Didn’t know? What didn’t you know?” He glanced between me and my slave, who wasn’t feet to the side of him. Even she appeared…off.
“Like I said when I ran into the office, he almost passed out. My Master is unwell.”