Page 28 of Master B-1901
“I’m fine. I can’t say that for you. I have to call the Main Master. We have to get you to the hospital.”
“What? No, I killed you. I-I.You’re dead.”
“I’m very much alive.”
My head shook and my knees gave out. I hit the ground hard, nearly bringing my slave down with me.
“I didn’t kill you?”
“You tried.”
“Fuck.” I held in the sob, pulling her closer to me. “Slave, look at me. I’m not okay. What happened?”
Her mouth opened, only to close.
“I…I don’t know. I.” Her gaze searched mine. “I can’t remember anything after this morning. All I know was you were suddenly hitting me. I think I heard yelling but…you got me good, and I passed out for a little. When I woke up you were kicking me. You?—”
My hand fitted over her mouth, feeling, praying this wasn’t another hallucination or dream. But even those were already fading. I couldn’t think straight. I was starting to forget…everything. Just like a dream. Dream. Dream. Was I dreaming?
“We have to call and get you help. I hurt you.”
“You did?”
Only then did I really look down. I had my arms at her sides now, but my hands weren’t working right. One I could barely feel. And I knew she’d gotten my face. Excruciating throbbing covered one side.
“You broke my hands.”
“One for sure, but I may have broken more than that. I can’t remember. I’m sorry, Master. You told me to defend myself. I’mjust relieved that I didn’t kill you. I…I feel different. I’m…sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” I winced as I adjusted, cringing as the pain hit. “We better just call.”
My slave walked over grabbing the phone. I looked at my feet, for sure I’d had it before. But I hadn’t because that had never happened. But was this happening. Was any of this real?
As the room started to spin again…I wasn’t so sure.
“Knees to knees. Eyes to eyes. Look deep into me, slave, and I’m going to do the same to you. Deep breaths.”
The Main Master squeezed my hands. I sat straighter, just as he did. He was directly across from me. We were in my Master’s suite in Medical, but Braddock still hadn’t woken up since I called for help. He had passed out, and he’d yet to come to. Not that I got the feeling the Main Master wanted him awake yet. He was more interested in why I couldn’t remember.
“The beautiful thing about your mind is how much of it belongs to me. You see,” Elec lifted his hand, gripping my chin to slightly tilt my head down the smallest amount. “I’ve learned from the past. And I learn very fast, slave. Blank, the mind is a beautiful thing. See…blank doesn’t mean empty. With your mind specially compartmentalized by my team, trained tomyneeds,by me, nothing can ever be out of my reach or lost. Just…misplaced. But it’ll come at my call.”
I didn’t blink. The Main Master didn’t turn. He didn’t even speak.
“I just heard what happened. I came right away.”
“Take a seat, Melissa.”
The click of heels paused, making a slow path to my left.