Page 33 of Master B-1901
The Main Master stood, moving in closer to the bed, but my attention remained on my slave.”
“Both. You’re mostly just cut up and bruised, but I did snap the wrist on your dominant hand. I don’t think it did much good. It barely slowed you down.
“Why does one of my ankles hurt? Did you snap that too?”
“No. That was you. Probably from kicking me.” Her hand lifted. “Actually, I might have done that. I think when I hit you, you clipped the coffee table and fell over it. The apartment was a mess. I’ve already had it cleaned.”
A groan left me, and I dropped back to the mattress, covering my eyes from the light.
“Allison, why don’t you go sit down while I talk to your Master.”
My head lifted and I pushed the top of my body back up as I looked between them.
“Did you call her Allison? Is that her name?”
The Main Master sat on the edge of my bed. “It is. Did you not read her file? Allison, former police officer. She goes by Ally, but she likes both names. If you plan to keep her around for a while, it would do her good if you used them. With regular slaves it’s optional, but with blank slates, it helps the bonding process.”
“Bonding,” I repeated.
“Theyarecompanions, Brad. And we’ve gotten to the point where it’s safe to bond. Emotions are good for them to a degree.But like with anything, too much isn’t a good thing. We’ve got a handle on that part now. Bonding is safe so long as the right protocols are set into place, which they are. Sure, we can treat them as regular slaves, but their purpose is special.They are special.They need to know this. It helps with the protection part. It even makes them more lethal. Allison saved your life. Hell …she saved mine too. We both owe her more than you know.” He looked down, letting out a long breath. “Things are crazy right now, so I’ll be pretty busy, but you’re in good hands.” He paused, taking back in my slave for the smallest moment. “Do you remember what happened during this episode?”
My gaze went to my slave…Ally. A thickness coated my thoughts, holding to them like tar. I could feel a frown come to my face as my head shook.
“I can’t think right now. I fucking ache everywhere.”
The Main Master laughed.
“I was hoping you would. You hurt my friend.” He winked at Allison. “For that I thought I’d make you suffer. I’m done. I’ll get them to give you something now.” He stood, his face losing all playfulness. “I’m going to have your doctor release you back to your apartment tonight. Try not to leave if you can help it. No phones. Don’t even answer the door unless it’s me.”
My brow drew in as memories tried to return.
“Melissa. That’s right.” The room rocked for the smallest moment. “Wait…did she call? Come by? I feel like…I almost…think.”
“It’s fine.” Elec shook his head. “Your mind needs to rest. Don’t even worry about it right now. We’ll touch down on that in a few days when you heal. I’ll call before I swing by.” He turned to my slave. “Ally. There we go. Look in my eyes and hear me. Your Master needs you. You are to protect him. Help him with whatever he needs. If someone knocks, you are to look before you answer. If someone calls,youanswer. You know who not toallow.” He paused. “You don’t have to worry about the Mistress. I’ve fixed you, but only you. I can’t work on your Master yet. He’s not ready. Never leave his side if you can help it. You know what to do. Now, soldier up. We’ll visit again soon.”
The slight smile on my slave’s face melted like wax. She became stoic again. Hard and more determined than ever. There was almost a sadness in seeing her change. Then again, I couldn’t have her being soft with me. She saw first-hand what I was capable of, and there was no room for mistakes on her part. There was a flame growing inside of me. I could feel it flare to life the more I was awake, and there was something left undone that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I didn’t feel…settled. Or…finished?
“Main Master?”
Elec paused just outside the door, turning back to my slave.
“Yes, Ally?”
“Be safe. I’m here if you need me.”
He smiled, glancing at me before nodding.
“Thank you. I know you mean that. I’ll see you soon.”
The door shut, and she turned, moving her chair next to the bed but angled to the entrance. I watched for minutes as she sat at attention, staring forward. She barely moved. I wasn’t even sure she was breathing. I reached forward, brushing my good fingers through her hair. The act had her softening just a little, but it was the feel of the silky strands that made it hard to breathe. I couldn’t understand the sensation that kept shooting through me, but I couldn’t stop running my fingers through them either.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
At my question, her head turned just enough to show me her profile.
“I’m well.”
My finger hooked as I forced myself from her hair to trail down her battered cheek.