Page 5 of Master B-1901
“I know these episodes are hard for you, but you must call me immediately if you have another.” She opened her purse, pulling out her phone. While she pushed at the screen, she peeked up, taking in glances at me. “I’ll give you one full day with your slave. I want to see you the day after tomorrow. You’ll be fine until then, but I would like the Main Master to hear your progress and see what he thinks.”
“The Main Master?”
She did smile then. “Of course. He’s a doctor like me, Braddock. You know that. I trained him. And he’s very good. Very, very good. You’re in safe hands.”
“I know Elec,” I ground out. “We grew up together.You know that.I just don’t know if I want to see him concerning this. What we talk about is private.”
“He’s the Main Master. He’s the one who invited you to the Gardens. Elec will help. You’ll see.”
“I thought you were helping me just fine. Am I missing something?”
My doctor stood, dazzling me with her smile. “What you’re missing is your slave.” Her head tilted. “You’re tired of hurting your slaves.”
“No.” My head quickly shook. “I feel like you don’t ever listen to me. We’ve gone over this before. I don’t mind hurting them.Ilikehurting them. What I’m tired of is killing them so soon.Especiallywhen I can’t remember doing it. You said you were going to help me.”
“And I am.I just did. No more worries, Braddock.I’ll help you with everything.”
“Leggy, isn’t she? Is this the new uniform for the female blank slates, or did her new Master request this outfit?”
“New. Looks good, doesn’t it? I guess the gray tights and tank tops are supposed to match the men’s uniformed sweatpants or something, but I think we got the better end of the stick on this one. Quite the view.”
I kept my eyes ahead as I followed between the two guards escorting me to my new quarters.Apartment. My new apartment. And with my Master. Master B-Nineteen-oh-one. Braddock Amell Pierce. Thirty-four years of age. Occupation: Pierce Contracting Inc. I could see his identity from the programmed image in my mind. Medium to light hair. Brown eyes. Angry eyes. Thin nose, widening just the smallest amount at the bottom. His mouth looked slashed over his face, but it wasn’t because he had small lips. No…nice lips. Nice face. Really nice face. Or…no. Just my Master’s face. Not nice. No. My mind said that wasn’t right. His face just ‘was’.
“Have you tested one yet?”
“One of the female blank slates?”
“Yeah.” The guard to my left leaned forward to look around me at the other guard as we waited for the elevator. “What’s the word on their temperament? How aware are we talking?”
The dark-skinned guard to my right laughed, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t suggest trying to touch them. Not this one, anyway. Owned is owned. She’s already programmed, and she’s loyal to her Master. What that exactly means, I don’t know. I’m not testing the Main Master’s words though. You’d be smart not to either.”
“What if I asked her permission?”
Both men got quiet as they looked at me. I continued staring ahead, stepping onto the elevator as it opened. Although they were to escort me to my Master’s apartment, my new apartment, I knew exactly where it was. I didn’t need them to help me. Protocol was the only thing that registered. Rules. Orders.
The guards stepped inside, and I didn’t wait for them to push the button. I hit the floor we were heading to, straightening as the men curiously continued to stare.
“Can I touch your ass?”
My eyes cut over to the brown-haired guard.
“Dammit. I tried.” He paused. “What would you do to me if I touched you without your permission?”
“Violation of my body would result in punishment of yours.”
He opened his mouth, only to close it. Hesitation. “What does that mean? How would I be punished? Is it like…bad or…like…a little punishment?”
I blinked hard, staring at the edges where the two doors met.
Again, my eyes went to him.
“I do not belong to you.”