Page 7 of Master B-1901
“Yes, Master.”
I went to meet him as he slowly walked towards me.
“Sorry. I have a slight headache. I had so many questions I meant to ask you, but I’m afraid I can’t remember what they were.”
“Would my Master like me to get him some pain reliever? Perhaps if you drank some water?—”
His hand lifted. “I’m fine.” His expression became devoid of emotion, and his eyes darkened as he came to ease to the sofa. “What do you know of me? What were you programmed to do?”
I felt my shoulders pull back as I stood straighter.
“My Master doesn’t have many interests. Sometimes you read. Mostly memoirs or biographies. You have a love of history. Your passion is wars of the past. You don’t eat many vegetables. Meat is a must. Alcohol is to be monitored.”
He laughed. “You’re supposed to babysit me?”
“Monitor. Assess.”
“For what?”
“You overindulge on occasion. It gets you into trouble. I’m to protect you.”
More he laughed. “Protect me? From what?”
“Yourself, Master.”
“Protect me from myself? As if you could.”
“I can.”
The smile faded and he eased to his feet.
“You really think you can subdue me if you need to?”
“Yes, Master.”
The pressure that exploded against my cheek had my head jerking to the side at the force. Something told me he didn’t hitas hard as he could, but it was enough to send blood coating my tongue. I lifted, meeting his eyes head-on.
“You weren’t able to stop that.”
“You didn’t tell me to. I am to protect you. Not myself.”
Satisfaction mixed with an emotion that wouldn’t quite register. His hand gripped hard to the back of my neck and he drew me in, inches from his face.
“In this apartment, you’re not going to have a choice. I’m not just telling you to protect yourself from me; I’m ordering it. I am not safe for you to be around. You’re to do everything you can to stay alive, slave ninety-one. Do you hear me?I forbid you to die.”
I blinked through the order, letting it register.
“I will protect myself, Master.”
He let go, turning back to the sofa, only to pivot his body in a way that had my arm shooting up to block the blow that was coming right for my face. The top of my Master’s body dipped down at my pressure, and his fist cut up sharp as he swung again. I barely managed to deflect the hit, stepping back to put space between us. The smile he wore was full of satisfaction.
“You’ll do. Fuck yes. You might actually stand a chance.” He collapsed to the sofa, leaning back as he studied me. His lids were lowering, and a small sound close to a moan left him. I felt myself swallow hard as my mind began firing different key points of his behavior.
“You want me.”
One of his eyebrows rose. “What makes you think that?”
“It excites you to be violent.”