Page 18 of Mistress A-0002
He wiped the sweat from his face.
“Who was screaming? I heard…I think.” He reached up to his head, wincing. “Someone keeps—Fuck.”
“That was you, Master.”
His lids cracked as he lowered his hand from his head and took the second glass of water from Allison.
“What do you mean?”
The slave seemed to catch herself, glancing at me before continuing. “You were the one screaming. It was you.”
“Me?No, I’m hearing them in my head. That wasn’t me.”
Allison didn’t speak as she once again looked to me. It had Braddock’s gaze locking to mine.
“Was I screaming?”
“I would say yelling,” I said, calmly. “They weren’t screams. And we couldn’t make sense of what you were saying, so it’s hard to know.”
“I was yelling.” He paused. “Are we done? My head hurts. I’m ready to go back to my apartment.”
I glared at Melissa, throwing up my hand so she could answer him.
“I want you back in a few days. We need to address some things discovered today. I’m pretty busy, but I’ll call you when I have an exact time and date. It’s imperative we get you in.”
He didn’t wait. Braddock took off, his slave following at his side. The moment the door shut, I could barely contain the fury that was blistering inside of me.
Tap. Tap-tap. Tap.
“You better start talking right now, Melissa. What the hell is going on, and don’t tell me nothing. What just happened was not a normal session and we both know it.”
Her shoulders dropped and a deep breath left her. When she peered up with round eyes, I felt the floor shift beneath my feet again. Her mouth was moving, but I couldn’t make sense of what she was saying.Tap. Tap-tap. Tap. I felt like I was falling. Fading. I was moving. My legs were stepping. Pressure. My arms were coming up. I knew that, but all I could do was sense my behavior. I couldn’tmakesense of my actions. Panic. The blackout was disorienting. One second I was aware and fighting a nothingness I couldn’t grasp, the next, gone.
“Main Master!”
The jolt that sent my heart igniting in my chest was electric. My entire body tensed tightly, locking in defense. Colors bled in, and Allison came in blurry in the doorway. It was the quickening breaths against the side of my lips that had my face turning. The top half of my body was lowered, and struggling pulled against my arms, trying to break free.
“Main Master, please. Master Braddock isn’t well. My Master?—”
My arms loosened. Melissa scrambled from my hold, pulling down the skirt she wore. My lips were tingling. Wet. I’d been…standing there. Yelling at her…and her eyes. They’d changed. She— And the dress on auction night. And then, now.
“Main Master.”
“Yes, I’m coming.”
“Elec, wait.I can explain.”
My index finger came out, and I pointed directly at Melissa. For seconds I was too angry to speak. “Not another word.Not one.”
Sickness infested my gut.My mind. I knew I wasn’t hiding the shock. The horror. The rage. I couldn’t as I tore my gaze from Mistress Two and stalked from the room. Everything was spinning. Each step was uneven, making me off balance.
Me and Melissa?Melissa.Kissing? God, I had been kissing her?