Page 29 of Mistress A-0002
“Half of area ten.” The crow thrashed underneath as I used my weight and thrust the sharp tip as far as I could go. The body tensed, and air gushed out in a whoosh. The crow went lax against the restraints. “He said it was delicious but couldn’t remember what it was. He raved about the taste. He even asked for more. Elec obliged.” Jett’s eyes were wide as he looked at me. “Well. Good lesson for today. You failed to alter your area without significant damage, but you can try again tomorrow. I’ll walk you out.”
“We can’t try again now?”
At my gesture to the door, Jett headed forward.
“Tomorrow. I have a late session I have to take care of, so no dinner together tonight. I’m sure you’re relieved.”
“Actually, I was hoping you’d teach me more tricks.”
Doctors and scientists smiled as we exited, and I nodded to the guard ahead who was at the doors me and Jett were walking towards.
“Are you not learning tricks from grandfather’s tapes?”
“Not the kind I’m curious about.” He lowered his voice, moving his face closer to mine. “What do you know about the code words that shut down the slaves?”
My brow creased. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Is there a universal word that works on all of them? Like a secret snap or clap or something you use?”
“Messing with another Master’s slave is a fast way to get yourself killed. You know the rules.”
Jett’s lips parted and his brow drew in as if he were offended. “I’m not talking about doing it, Mother. I’m not stupid. I was asking if it can be done.”
“Done, yes. Will I speak anymore about it, no. Code words are for the protection of the Masters, Mistresses, and Couples here. That’s why the guards are the only ones with access.”
“The guards?”
We got to the end of the hall, and I stopped outside the elevator, pushing the button to take us up.
“Not just any guard, of course. The lead guards. The ones who are in control of the tablets. They take their responsibility very seriously. They have to.”
“I know about the tablets,” Jett groaned. “They carry those things around everywhere. Yes, they have the individual code words, but I’m more interested in a universal word to control them all. You said one exists. Does Elec ever use it?”
The doors opened and I narrowed my stare as Jett and I stepped onto the elevator. For seconds I didn’t speak as I watched him. And he noticed my studious gaze. It made him fidget as we climbed higher into the building.
“Elec can control all of them if he wishes. With one word. With many. Why are you so interested in this? What are you up to?”
Jett shrugged it off as if it weren’t a big deal.
“I just want to know what I’ll be capable of when the day comes.”
“What day?”
“The day the Gardens becomes mine. I told you, Mother, I’m meant for this. I have a lot to learn. I know that. Just wait and see. Someday I will stand on that auction stage, and everyone will be looking up to me like they do to him.They’ll want to be like me. And they’ll never live up to it. As Main Master and a LaRoe, I’ll rule this underground. When the time comes, I’ll be so powerful, not even Elec will be able to stop me.”
Main Master
To those who knew me on the outside world, they’d say I was outgoing. That I was a social butterfly, always around and there for those who needed it. I smiled. I laughed at jokes and was warm to be around. People felt like they could open up and talk to me about the most private details of their life. I was inclusive. Reliable. There were many times I got called to help others because I was the friend everyone could depend on. The one they trusted when presence was important.
Where I was friend; I was foe. Either had me luring them into my web, but their fate depended on not just my need but a need that revolved around the betterment of my elite circle. My loyalties. Myself.
“You were looking at that screen when I was here earlier. It’s been hours. Did you find anything on Melissa and Braddock? You heard the blank slate. Mistress Two forced her way in Braddock’s apartment after he opened the door. She tried to get him to kill his slave. He nearly succeeded. What gets me is Mistress Two didn’t deny being there. Tell me you found something? She’s getting out of control.”
I closed my laptop, not wanting Shane to see that I was watching Melissa in her apartment. I’d already caught up tothe last few weeks of footage, not that I’d watched it in real-time. I had appointed guard leaders doing that. So far, nothing incriminating. If Melissa got Braddock to attack his slave, or even if we were fucking on a regular basis, I couldn’t find it. Hell, we didn’t run into each other much at all. When we did, our confrontations didn’t last long.
“The only thing I’ve found are more questions. There’s nothing of substance. Ally’s recount isn’t admissible, as much as I wish it was. It’s all a fucking mess. And of course Melissa and I are having dinner tonight. I’m not sure what’s worse. Dealing with her, or with that spoiled obnoxious son of hers,” I said, trying not to let my lips twist in distaste. “I hate that kid. He shouldn’t even be here.”
Shane laughed. “No one likes him. He’s a spoiled brat. I don’t think even Melissa cares much to be around her own son.”