Page 36 of Mistress A-0002
Hitting the buttons on my phone, I brought the cell to my ear, heading out of the room. I could feel my High Leader and the two guards following behind as I neared the lab, but Nineteen, Jackson, and John knew to keep their distance until we got to the elevator.
“If it isn’t the Main Master of the mighty Garden of the Gods.”
My expression didn’t change from its dead nature. What I wanted to do was scowl. Maybe even give a smart-ass smirk despite Keith Moore wasn’t watching. He was an Upper, but even he didn’t have the kind of power it took to get into our system to see me.
“We need to talk.”
“Do we? I’m a very busy man, Mr. Wexler. Time is money. Ilikemoney.”
“I know something you like even more.”
“What’s that?”
His hesitation had his footsteps growing louder. “I’m listening.”
“Not on the phone.”
Keith let out a sigh. “You couldn’t pay me enough to step foot into your domain.”
“You don’t have to. I’ll come to you.”
The footsteps came to an abrupt stop.
“This is serious.”
“More than you can imagine. You were in New York not an hour ago. Are you still there?”
“…I am.”
“New York doesn’t work for me. Head for your jet. I’ll have your pilot contacted with the details when you’re in the air. What we need to discuss is between the two of us.” I pushed into the elevator button hearing my High Leader and guard approach. “Tell no oneanything. I’ll know if you do. See you in a few hours.”
The doors opened and I stepped in, turning to Nineteen and the two guards as they entered.
“Is everything ready?”
“Ready and waiting, Main Master. Master Seventy-seven and Mistress Forty-Two have been notified in the outside world. They’re expecting your call.”
“Perfect. They can wait until I’m in the air. Both are currently exactly where I need them anyway.” I glanced at Nineteen. “It’s almost like luck’s on my side.”
“Speaking of sides, what would you like me to do? You still haven’t given me an answer on whether you want me to accompany you.”
My gaze traveled to Jackson as I hit the highest floor, entering a special code as the alert popped up on my phone. The guard was one I had special interest in. It was no coincidence on why I moved him up so fast. He was exactly who I needed.
“As the High Leader, you’ll stay. There’s too much at stake with Melissa unraveling at the seams. She’ll be looking for me. It is your job to make excuses until I return. I don’t want her to know I’m not here.” Nineteen’s mouth opened, but my hand went up. “Everything will be fine. John’s here to watch over you, and one of my men is keeping an eye on Braddock’s apartment. They’re special soldiers. Melissa can’t get to any of you. You’ll be fine. Look at who’s calling before you answer. If it’s her, have John take a message and call her back. If for some reason you run into her or she tracks you down, John will do what he must. Even if that’s throwing her into a cell until I return…which Ireally, reallydon’t want to happen.”
Nineteen nodded. “We’ll do our best to make sure she doesn’t find out you’re gone. I’ll keep everything under control. You mentioned returning tomorrow?”
We slowed, and I nodded as the doors opened into a large concrete space. It held the elevator that would lead us above ground into the secret quarters of the military installation above.
“I’ll be back tomorrow evening, if all goes as it should.” My lids narrowed the smallest amount to my High Leader. “You were trained to rule the Gardens in my absence. You voluntarily went through hell to make it so. You’ve died for this place. We both have. I trust you to lead it well. Just…don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He nodded, but he was still stiff as he scanned my face. “Relax, Dakota. You’ve got this. In the spirit of the Gardens, I leave you with a quote Shane sent me as a joke.Apparently, he saw it online. I think I’ll get it framed for my office for when all of this is over with.”
“Jesus…what is it?”
“Love. Laugh. Lobotomy.”
“For fuck’s sake. Get out of here.”