Page 47 of Mistress A-0002
“I thought you knew me. Like…really, really knew me. But you don’t. Do I blame you? Do I blame me for having so muchfaith in you? For believing a lie? Who’s to blame and who do I forgive? I never question anything but lately…”
“Forgive me, Mistress. Let me make you better. I can do that. I love you. I do, whether you love me too or not. Maybe these men can mimic these confusing emotions, but I can’t. What I feel for you is real.” Another tear splashed down, barely missing my face. “And I’ll prove it if you let me.”
“What I want to do is hurt you.”
“Because I hurt you by not understanding. I’m sorry, Mistress.I’m sorry. Hurt me if it makes you want me again. We can’t be together if I’m dead, and I don’t want to leave you.”
Rage and lust collided with the emotions I felt for Muriel. Love? Absolutely. But…something else that muted in the shadows of my own self-awareness. I hated her. I adored her. I couldn’t lose her. Not yet. Not in this very moment.
“You want to prove yourself. Stupid. Look and see who is standing at the bottom of the bed.See him. I should have Adrian beat you black and blue. I would if I didn’t like your face so much. Put on your dress and go sit against the wall. Seven years, and now it seems we’re going to have to start over. Take notes on what I like and thank your lucky stars that I’m going to let you live another day. One wrong move. One wrong word?—”
“Not one. Not again.”
“Go.” I went through the snapping patterns, clearing away all persuasion so that she was back to herself. “Fast, before I change my mind.”
Muriel scrambled off the bed, grabbing her dress to pull on. I lifted to my elbows, turning my attention to Adrian who was staring blankly towards me. He was under deeper than I could have hoped for. Maybe even deeper than what was safe. I knew the consequences of going too far. Wasn’t I already asking for trouble? There was an odd pressure building in my chest, screaming and threatening to detonate. No doubt it wasn’t muchdifferent than the bomb ticking in Braddock’s slave’s mind. Tick-Tick…Tick-fucking-tick. Elec. Bomb. Mine. My creation. My fucking project. Mine. My work in living form.
“Take off your clothes, Adrian. All of them.”
Muriel’s legs drew up as she settled against the wall, but I ignored that her entire focus could be on Adrian if she wanted it to. She knew better after her pleas. One wrong look at him. One lingering look…
Yes, I was going to combust and explode in a million pieces. But not in the way I felt. Hard muscle shifted as Adrian tore off his clothes. He didn’t even wait for my command as he crawled up the bed. His stare was fixated. The hunger he held was overwhelming as I took in what I had so clearly not put importance into seconds before. I clicked my tongue, taking his intensity down a notch.
“You said you could make time stop and help me out of this hell.Show me.”
Adrian swallowed hard, lowering his weight on me and reaching to slide a shaky hand along the side of my face. His heavy lids fluttered, and I watched as he adjusted through the shift. His body leaned to one side while his fingers traveled up my outer thigh.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. From the first moment I saw you, I noticed how different you were from everyone else. The way you carried yourself.” He paused, brushing his lips to mine. “You looked shy, maybe even sad. You tried to look confident, but I saw how something must be weighing you down. Hurting you. I’m going to fix that. I’m going to take it away.”
“The first time you saw me?” I swallowed hard. “You thought I was pretty?”
“Melissa…how could I not?”
My legs spread wider through his rising touch. The tip of his digits brushed over my opening, making a barely existing path as they rose to circle and add pressure over my clit.
“You didn’t show interest.” More, I took him in. “We had two sessions, and you never once gave any indication you thought so. You were cold. Your tone was dismissive and angry.”
“Do you think I like telling people my secrets? I’ve gone my entire life hiding my true self.” Again, he brushed my lips making my legs open for him even more. I was starting to move through the teasing of his fingers. One was tracing my opening, dipping in just enough to have little sounds leaving me again.
Time was slowing.
Reality was fading.
My head lifted and my lips parted as he stretched me with two digits, easing them in to push deep. The thrusts made me feverish. I was rotating my hips, gripping to the comforter as he took his time building me up.
“You’re so wet.” He withdrew his fingers, sucking against them. “I could live to taste you. Breathe you,” he moaned. Again, his fingers entered me, only to return to his mouth. “How do you do this to me?”
“Maybe we’re meant to be.” I pushed to the back of his shoulder to draw him closer. More of his weight settled, and he didn’t hesitate to kiss me. When I pulled back and met his eyes, time did stop for the smallest moment. A spark of love? Not for him. I saw Elec over me. I saw the same look Adrian held on my creation’s face. But I wasn’t Vivia to Adrian. I was me. And he wanted…me. “Tell me what I mean to you,” I whispered. “Tell me what you’d do to keep me.”
The mix between pleasure and possession rumbled through the room as his cock nudged into my entrance.
“I’d do anything to make you mine.”
My nails dug into his back as his length inched inside.
“Money? More gifts?”