Page 49 of Mistress A-0002
“You said this was a few years back? How did you find the footage?”
My lips slightly twisted.
“It wasn’t easy, to be honest. It wouldn’t have even come to be had you not invited me to your estate the Christmas before. You mentioned property you’d acquired in the Keys. A few months later I can recall Melissa mentioning coming into a home there as well. I thought perhaps it was coincidental…but it wasn’t, was it. You gave her your house.”
His mouth opened, and his hand dropped. Again, he pulled at his tie, finally ripping it down and popping the button loose.
“I didn’t need it anymore. I…” He cursed, fisting his hand as he stared ahead in a daze. “That sounds preposterous when I say it out loud. Don’t need it. Yet, I told others I sold it. That makes no sense. Why would I do that?”
At my silence, his gaze came back to me.
“She did that. Just like—Fuck. How am I going to hide this from my wife, Elec?From the others?”
“You’re not going to. You’re going to tell them.”
His eyes widened.
“Are you fucking crazy?”
“Clinically?” I laughed as his lids lowered in a glare. “Keith, breathe. You’re not going to get in trouble by your wife or anyone else. I’ll talk to Bella. She’ll understand. I promise.” I said, deepening my tone. “The others have to know. They’re victims as well, and I will find more proof that will condemn her even more. But we have to be honest. This goes beyond sex or money. It’s downright dangerous. If she can get to you and the others,to me, what’s to stop her from taking over the very council that runs us? She can ruin everything. Melissa must be stopped. Death is the only way.”
“And you want me to show them that video, along with stating my case?”
“They have to see, or they won’t believe. It might even trigger their own memories. Jett is in Hell Row, Keith. He broke into Sebastian Rivers apartment and nearly killed his slave. Hewilldie. The repercussions of Melissa’s actions far exceed her son’s crime. She and Ronald must die too. We don’t have a choice.”
“But Ron can start a new line. He has Marian. Aren’t they innocent in this?”
At my head shaking, he got quiet.
“Marian belongs to Drayton. He may have fucked up in his youth, but we all know who it was that started him on that path.”
He made a sound. “Marian was just a girl, Elec. She was about to head to college. She made a mistake. She was scared and young. I don’t blame her for what happened. This is not the eighteen hundreds where virginity equals marriage. We’re far beyond those times. You should know that.”
“She did more than lose her virginity to Drayton. That is not my story to tell. What she did, she’ll pay for. Whether that’s with her life or with her ring finger, that’s up to Dray. But I will deliver her, and Ronald will answer for his role in letting thiscontinue. He knows what his wife is doing, Keith. He has to. No one is that blind or stupid.”
“I’m done arguing. I feel sick. Melissa has crossed the line. I’m not saying she hasn’t. But do you really want to start this war? There are those who will take their side. Who will not budge due to tradition. You know ending a line comes with a price.”
I stood. “It’s a price I’m willing to pay. Speaking of lines, did you hear my cousin has an heir on the way? A Whitlock. Isn’t that great news?”
The weariness that etched into Keith’s already tight features wasn’t missed.
“Great for the circle. Not great for you. Are you not afraid he’ll pick up where he left off? Just with his heir?”
My laugh was genuine. “He most definitely will not. My cousin isn’t cut for this life, nor would he allow his heir to be. Let us rejoice in Bram’s good news.”
“And what of the new lines you’ve pushed through the Council? Don’t think I haven’t heard about that. Draper? Former Main Master of Red Island? You’re adding a cold-blooded killer to our ranks. One whose money is made from blood.”
“Does he not fit in? Speaking of which, we need a new foundation. His happens to come with connections in our world. Not to mention he’s loyal to our ways. You’d be amazed how perfect he is for us.”
“Perhaps. I guess in time I’ll find out. Will I get to meet him and his family soon?”
“Hmm.” I placed my phone in my pocket, adjusting my jacket. “I’ll call him and set up a meeting. A dinner, perhaps. I think you’ll come to see you get along well with Gavin. Put some trust in me. I know what I’m doing.”
“We’ll find out soon enough.”
“We will,” I agreed. “I have to get back to the front. I have another meeting before I head home. I expect to hear something from the Uppers in the next forty-eight hours. Don’t sit on this, Keith. Don’t even leave this room until you make the necessary calls. I want my phone ringing with news from the Collective High Council soon.”