Page 72 of Mistress A-0002
I glanced at my Board members, letting everyone settle into their decision. No one stood. No one left. Hale was wiping tears from his face, but he didn’t break. He also didn’t move. His stare was on Jett, and it wasn’t leaving.
“Alright. There are two videos. One’s of the crime scene. The other is the last words from the guard who was sent to kill them.”
Jett was staring at the large screen, his chest rising and falling in a fast pace as he continually pulled at the chains.
I hit play, watching Sebastian’s apartment come into view.
“This is the High Leader. I’m at Master Three-sixty-one’s apartment. That would be Sebastian Rivers. It is five-twenty-six PM.” The camera panned to the door. “As you can see, there was no forced entry, nor does what we saw on the video corroborate there being any. The door was opened for the guard who then pushed his way in, where he shot the slave between the eyes. Master Rivers then turned for the slave, where he was shot in the back three times, and then the back of the head.”
A few people gasped as footage of Sebastian, curled over the slave, came into view. Blood spray and brain matter was fanned on the floor around their heads, and where I couldn’t see the damage done to his face, his cheek was resting against her bloody face, giving view to dull eyes with a hole slightly in the middle, above them. My eyes closed for the briefest moment, knowing the pain he held for Maggie. Knowing how much she looked like Margaret. I knew. I somewhat related, and although I was a monster, I had been supportive of Sebastian finding relief from his pain through her. Hell, I even set up a future I knew Sebastian wouldn’t be completely in favor of. Not with Dr. Bailor involved. I wanted to sway him to choose Margaret. I had purposely put the decision out there. But for what?Nothing.Love never won in the end. Love was what we found in the middle and clung to, but it never lasted. Not in my world.
“The last clip,” I forced out.
The scene was of the guard pushing his way through. He was pulling out the gun as he spoke and pointed it at the slave.
“Jett has lots of tricks. Jett says goodbye.”
The shot had multiple people in the crowd jumping. Jett surged to his feet, shaking his head as he panted through the panic.
“I didn’t send that guard! That wasn’t me!Mom.”
He was pushed back down as Hale flew from his chair. Guards rushed towards him, but with how large Hale was, they didn’t stand a chance. He was suddenly sobbing, roaring and yelling as he fought off three guards. Then five.
“Order!” I stood, slamming the gavel down. “Order! Hale.Hale Rivers!”
At my own roar, the new Master grew still, his eyes locked on me…waiting as I pointed.
“Sit down while we vote on sentencing. Should justice present itself, it is your call. You are now the Rivers’ heir. You are the responsible party here. You will act like it. Sit.”
He was still breathing heavily, glaring, even if it was at me. But he was walking back, moving back to his chair as I continued standing.
“There. The evidence has been presented. Members, stand. We will go down the line. Remember, a guilty verdict means you find him guilty on all accounts and are in favor of death. I will start at the end, and we’ll work our way down. I will be last.” I looked at the far end of our board setting. “What do you say, Member Five?”
Melissa tried to hold in her sob, pushing the handkerchief harder into her mouth. The room was silent as the witnesses waited.
“Member Four?”
“Member Three?”
A loud whimper left Melissa as tears poured down her face. I looked to Master One. His expression was hard. He knew what this meant. War. A war in our circle in the outside world. One that would send a ripple down the Collective High Council despite what they knew. Our beautiful, oiled machine was about to sputter to a stop as it regeared in a new direction, and although I should have feared the consequences of that, the darkest part of me was ready.
“Member Two?”
“No. No.Jett.”
“Main Master?”
The members spoke in unison. I looked at Jett. I took in Melissa and her pleading eyes. And I moved to Hale. To the man who I’d brought in to be my own protector. My closest, new confidant. A friend. A spy. I hated losing Sebastian, but I had Hale so mind-locked to me, it couldn’t have turned out any better. He’d follow my every order. He’d obey my every command. He’d bring this circle together like no one else could. I had plans for him…but that was another story.
“Guilty,” I said, firmly.