Page 13 of I Accidentally Married A Sheikh
"Not like this!"
But he's much too strong like usual, and the next thing I know, Zahir has kicked the door shut and he's carrying me bodily into Jamieson's room.
"This is a crime,"I hiss under my breath.
"Only if we get caught."
"That's even worse!"
"But we will not get caught," he soothes, "so there is nothing for you—-"
He suddenly pauses.
And I'm all for it because...
Are those voices outside I'm hearing?
"I can't thank you enough, Becs."
"I'm here for you, always."
"Perfect timing," Zahir murmurs.
All I can do is look at him.
Is he insane?
How can this be perfect timing when we're about to get—-
Zahir opens the closet doors just as we hear the door to Jamieson's room unlock.
"After you,habibti."
He pushes me inside the closet, follows right behind me, and closes the doors a second before Jamieson and Rebecca walk into view.
I can't believe this is happening.
Maybe this really is a dream.
Or I really did end up in Wonderland.
Because I've just noticed the way Rebecca has led Jamieson by the hand to sit on the bed, and she's now rubbing her breasts against his back while massaging his shoulders.
"That feels good."
His voice is hoarse with lust—-
"I'm glad."
While hers is throaty as she rubs her breasts even harder against his back.
No. No. No.
I want to stop watching, but I can't seem to tear my gaze away as Jamieson slowly turns to look at her.
The way she whispers his name makes me sick.