Page 9 of I Accidentally Married A Sheikh
"You really haven't had a clue about those two, have you?"
"Will you please stop insinua—-" I end up squeaking in surprise when he suddenly stands up.
Has he forgotten he's naked?s
I cover my eyes, but of course it's too late, since I've already caught a glimpse ofthe hard muscles of his bottomwhat I shouldn't have seen.
Have I fallen down a rabbit hole without knowing?
Even Wonderland doesn't havethismany impossible things happening before—-
He's suddenly tugging my hands down, and since my strength is obviously no match for his, my hands inevitably fall away—-
"Open your eyes, Alysse."
Will he kill me if I don't?
"Or I'll kill you if I don't."
My eyes fly open, and golden eyes gleam back at me in amusement.
"I'm joking, of course."
I'm tempted to shove him off, but...I decide to focus on the positive instead, which is the fact that he's at least put on a pair ofmilitarypants...
His lips curve. "You seem surprised. Did you think I was lying about my job?" He gets back to his feet while speaking, and I turn my gaze away when I see him retrieve the rest of his uniform from the floor—-
I almost end up screaming again.
Are those my clothes?
He turns around, and when I see his gaze follow my line of sight—-
But it's too late.
I end up tumbling off the bed, my limbs all tangled up by the covers, while Mr. Special Ops effortlessly retrieves my belongings from the carpeted floor.
Dear Self, can we just take the coward's way out and pretend this is all a dream?
I'm just so, so tired of embarrassing myself again and again in front of this guy.
Can we just pretend like we're in Wonderland, and we no longer have to force things to make sense?
Chapter Three