Page 34 of The Cruelest Undead
The answer wasANYTHING.
And it began…NOW.
Chapter Two
Somewhere Deep
In The Lair
Same Time
Humans were proving to be a pain in his ass. Rinnon was having one hell of a time trying to lure Flynn out from wherever he was hiding. That might just be the biggest understatement of his entire existence.
It had been a long time since someone had been able to‘hide’from him, and that was saying a lot since he’d always been.
Only, Flynn wasn’t having it when it came to compliance. He was not relenting as he recovered from one hell of a shock.
Oh, he could hear Rinnon.
And Jacques.
And Jolie.
There was no doubt since he and Rinnon shared a mind, but he refused to answer and come out from deep within himself.
This was bad.
While he could exist without his vessel being cognizant, he didn’t want that. There was no fun in not having his partner talk to him, cajole him, and yell at him.
Rinnon was attached.
Flynn was his family, and he was part of him.
On top of that, Flynn was his best friend, and he valued him on a level he’d never had before. To have a real friend, who he cared about…
Well, Rinnon had few of those.
He only had the Horsemen all of those eons ago, and now, his only friend, Flynn, was hiding from him.
It made him feel…empty.
Please, my love. I know you can hear me. I’m sorry you were caught off guard. I didn’t know she’d pick up the gifts. Come out and we can discuss it.
I can’t.
Well, at least he was talking to him.
There was that.
Explain to me what has you so upset so I can understand and help you. I’m new to this, and struggling. You’re the one who helps me work through things like this.
There was a pause, and finally, he spoke.