Page 8 of The Cruelest Undead
She continued.
“Then, you must findThe Necromancer’s Sword.That is the only way to allow you to retain this particular gift. After how horribly they treated you, Mathew, I wish I could do more.”
That was the mother of all lies.
She couldn’t give a shit about this pathetic monster.
Fate put on the sympathy act.
“Only, I can only give you it for a couple of days. It’s outside of my gifts. My brother can wield it for his job, so he doesn’t need the sword. I hope you understand.”
Mathew rolled his neck, and there was horrific popping of the bones. That sickening sound was deafening in the silence of the room.
“I want it,” Mathew muttered. “I want it so that I can kill them all! I want their blood, and I want her dead for betraying me!I WAS FAMILY!” he raged.
As he stormed around the room, the madness wrapped around him, she couldn’t help but want to dance around and celebrate.
This was a good day in her world.
Destroy her precious garden?
Oh, well, this was payback.
This unhinged vampyre was absolutely going to make their lives miserable, and she loved that for them.
“And I want it for you. With the sword, you can bring an army against Rinnon. For now, you can only bring so many to life but as you find the relic, you will have so much power, Mathew.”
That was exactly what he wanted.
Mathew understood what she was saying, and he was grateful to be back. His time dead wasn’t fun.
Not at all.
“I want to make her pay,” he said. “I want Jolie to feel my rage as I rip that baby from her and eat it in front of her,” he hissed.
Well, someone was angsty.
That was for damn sure.
Fate knew in that moment that this might just work. This crazed monster might just have a chance. After all, he knew Jolie.
He’d been part of her family.
That baby couldn’t be born.
Fate absolutely wanted to watch Rinnon’s unborn child dismembered in front of him. He was turning a little too human for her liking.
That had to be stopped.