Page 16 of Botched
Like before, Clara slides into her spot to conduct the post-match interview with Aurora. I’m off-screen, observing her. Sweat dots her pale skin; her half-up ponytail is messy from the match. She’s still panting a little bit as I take in the rise and fall of her chest. I want to see her like thatfor me. Panting and sweating and absolutely wrecked from taking my cock.
It takes everything in me to push those thoughts aside so I don’t miss my mark.
“Aurora Dawn, you looked—”
Before Clara can finish her sentence, I step in. Moving in front of Clara, blocking her from the camera as she slowly sidesteps off the screen. Aurora and I are in focus. We’re closer than we were before, a few inches separating the two of us. Since I’m taller, I angle my head down to look at her.
“You looked incredible out there,” I say, finishing Clara’s sentence. My voice is a little breathy.
Her eyes are locked on my face and I hope that she doesn’t blow this. This is only believable if Aurora is believable. If she fucks it up, this comes across as a bad segment that everyone online will rag on for months.
A smile tugs at the corner of her lips and she tilts her head to the side. “You think so?”
“I know so, Aurora. You are…absolutely amazing.”
Before I utter another word, Jules steps onto the screen. She glares at me with dark eyes and puts a hand on Aurora’s shoulder. “Aurora.” Her voice is quiet. “Come on. Don’t get caught up in him,” she warns.
As she pulls Aurora off the camera, we exchange one more look. My eyes drop down, obviously checking her out as she leaves. My tongue pokes at my cheek before I turn and walk away. It’s clear to the audience that this isfarfrom over.
End scene.
I don’t get a chance to talk to Aurora after because she actually does walk away with Jules. I pout, watching them go. What am I supposed to do? Beg her to come back? That sounds pathetic. She doesn’t even want to talk to me. I don’t think I want to talk to her either.
The only thing I want is to stare at her. She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.
Chapter Thirteen
Episode 570
Roanoke, Virginia
The next chapter in the story we’re building is a friendship with Jules. A friendship with Jules means ties to Hext. It makes the betrayal at the pay-per-view even more shocking. It’s easy enough. We knew each other before GRW. Friendly, but not quite friends. We’re quickly becoming better friends now that we’re seeing each other every week. Last week onRise, she warned me about Theo. This week, she’s recruiting me for a match against two of the other girls, as if she wants to take me under her wing the way that Hext did for her.
Backstage promos are beginning to feel a lot more comfortable. I don’t love them. Public speaking is probably one of the most terrifying things that I’ve ever done, but the backstage environment is comfortable.
A lot of that probably has to do with Clara. She’s bubbly and funny, even off-camera. She talks about her daughter a lot, tellingcute stories about the times she’s brought the toddler backstage and how she’s interacted with some of the wrestlers. It brings to light a certain feeling backstage. Like the whole place isn’t out to get me. It’s just the brown-eyed devil who always feels like he’s lingering in my periphery.
The producer gives his cue, and Clara, Jules, and I go to our marks.
Jules falls into this whole thing so easily. It’s like breathing for her. Not even a second thought as she melts into her character, looking like an enigmatic goddess.
“Juliette, it’s been announced that you’re scheduled to face Sage Nesbitt and GRW Women’s Champion, Carolina LaVile. It seems like you need a partner,” Clara says.
Jules pushes her long hair over her shoulder, shrugging. “Sage and…well, whatever her name is—they’re nothing. I could take them both down without blinking.” Her blue eyes settle on me and she smiles. “However, you impressed me last week, Aurora Dawn. Wanna give me a helping hand?” She extends her hand.
I eye it before my fingers lace with hers and I nod. “Yeah, why not?”
Clara smiles into the camera. “Looks like that’s all settled. Tonight, Juliette Stanton and Aurora Dawn will be facing Sage Nesbitt and Carolina LaVile.”
The producer yells cut and the three of us girls easily fall into conversation about whatever comes to mind. For the time being, I’m able to forget about the bane of my existence who’s always lurking around a corner somewhere, waiting for the opportunity to wiggle under my skin some more.
Forgetting doesn’t last long. Theo finds me as I’m finishing up my hair and makeup. Shayna, the makeup artist for GRW, is a kindwoman. Although she’s very strict about moving in her chair and isn’t big on conversation. She turns on her playlist of techno music and gets to work on your face. If you move once, you get a glare. Twice? She’ll comment on how funny it would be to do your makeup in a very clown-esque manner if you do it a third time.
He ambushes me as I stand up from the chair, before I can make it back to the safety of the women’s locker room. “I’m coming out during your match tonight,” Theo announces.