Page 28 of Fervor
“Nothing for you to be worried about. Enjoy your day, sis.”
His frown eased, and I nodded, taking a deep breath as he and Harlem shook hands and gave each other a brotherly hug. Even if they didn’t want Harlem to be with me, none of this was his fault. Apparently, Harlem and I were compatible. If we weren’t, we wouldn’t have been matched. After Vegas hugged me, more people came to greet us and congratulate us.
Once the coordinator got everyone to go to the reception area, we went back inside to take pictures with our wedding party. Everyone in the wedding seemed to be extremely happy, so I drew energy and positive vibes from them. I smiled for the pictures, and as I relaxed, Harlem said, “Although I originally suspected we would be matched, I’m still somewhat shocked.”
“Me too.”
“When I walked out there and saw Jungle in the audience, I froze. The only way he would be here was if I was marrying you. My heart is full.”
“Mine too. Thank you for the flowers from two weeks ago. It was extremely hard not to reach out and at least say thank you. I didn’t want to initiate communication though. I felt like you were trying to get closure, so I left well enough alone.”
He nodded. “That was exactly what I was trying to do. It didn’t make me stop thinking about you and wishing I would have done what you asked of me.”
“What was that?” I asked with a slight frown of confusion.
“Fucked you.”
I gave him a half smile. “That night was so embarrassing, but I have no regrets. I enjoyed everything you made me feel.”
“Mm. I can’t wait to make you feel those things again then.”
I smiled slightly as we began posing for pictures. This was going to work. It had to.
“This is fucked up. You know that, right?” Vegas asked.
“Yeah. I didn’t have a clue that her first match didn’t go through,” Jungle added.
I stood there in disbelief. I hated that they couldn’t hide their disdain, because Yunique picked up on it. She knew something wasn’t right. I slid my hand over my mouth as I watched her dance with her sorors. She turned and smiled at me, so I winked at her.
“What do y’all want me to do? It’s not like this was something I did on purpose. I told y’all I came here to get matched. At the time of my interview, she’d already been matched. I wasn’t trying to disrupt her life. I was trying to move on with mine.”
“I know, man,” Vegas said. “There’s nothing we can do. I mean, you can either come clean or hope she doesn’t find out.”
“I need to know exactly what I’m up against. Did Mo rape her?”
Jungle turned to me. “Naw. She saw him fondle Kee when she was a baby. He threatened to kill Yunique. That’s why she got the hell away from Houston. She hated street niggas because of that fuck up. The fact that she’s even feeling you is a miracle in itself.”
“Damn. A baby? That nigga was fucking with a baby?”
I got sick to my stomach as I thought about it. I had to walk away for a moment to get a cold bottle of water before I fucking threw up everywhere. I knew that nigga wasn’t right, but I wouldn’t have ever accused him of no shit like that. How the fuck did he get away with that?
As I guzzled the water, I felt arms slide around my waist. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed her warmth against me. Her touch already moved me in ways I couldn’t describe. When I set the water down, I turned to her and smiled.
“You okay?” she asked.
“How could I not be? I’m married to the only woman I’ve craved in years. I’m way better than okay. What about you?”
“I’m good too. I thought something was going on. That was why I was so tense. They were being protective of me because they knew how I felt about men like them.”
I gave her a half smile, hoping that shit about Mo never had to come out. I didn’t want to let this piece of heaven go. I leaned over and kissed her lips. “Well, I’m glad you got a handle on that.”
“I want to believe I do. Time will surely tell. So, they told me you planned a honeymoon in Tahiti! That shit is exciting! That flight is gonna halfway kill me, but spending so much time with you alone will be just what we need to really get to know each other.”
“Yeah. I can’t wait either. Hopefully, we can sleep for most of the flight.”
She nodded as she pulled away from me. Grabbing my hand, she pulled me back to the front. It was time for the garter toss. I wasn’t sure who was here that wasn’t married, other than my brother. He sat in a chair so Yunique could sit on his leg. I stared at her as I went to my knee and slowly slid my hands up her leg. Her head tilted back slightly as her eyelids fluttered.
When I got to the garter, I was disappointed. I wanted to go even higher. I’d completely blocked out the fact that she was sitting on my brother. All I could think about was sliding my fingers inside of her to get a taste. Glancing up at him to see he was running his mouth with Char, I did that shit anyway. A soft moan left her lips as she stared at me.