Page 109 of Us Deadly Few
“I want to put my head between your thighs and swallow all your decadent lies.”
Her lips parted.
The human language shouldn’t be sodirty.
So capable of obliterating every sentence that came before.
“Tell me one more thing, Kanes. Tell me that you’re not mine.” Takeshi’s voice lowered, taking on a rougher edge, as if the same anarchy that coursed through her veins flowed into him.
Takeshi embodied the ruin in her life. But he didn’t make her want to run. No. He helped her embrace the terror.
Ignoring Takeshi was like running from the sun.
You could hide from it, but its light would always live on the surface, waiting to burn and show you the boundaries of the world.
She clung to her last thread of sanity and said, “I’m not yours.”
Takeshi tilted her head to look at him, cupping her chin between his thumb and forefinger. She lost herself in a sea of black, when he said,
“I’ll let you keep thinking that.”
She gasped as his finger touched her exactly where she wanted and his mouth found hers, devouring her next breath. Their lips melted together, and his tongue stretched out, dancing with hers like the melody that wrapped around them. His left hand gently gripped her neck, and his right index finger rubbeda circle between her legs, showing her without words whom she belonged to.
And he was right. Khalani was soaked.
She tightened her hands around his neck and kissed him back with equal abandon. The world could’ve ended in a blaze of fire and terror, and she would’ve still clung to Takeshi, letting her mouth express what she’d been too afraid to voice.
She must’ve had a similar effect on Takeshi because he groaned and pulled her closer.
Fuck…he knew what he was doing with his mouth. And his hands.
She was convinced that when God created Takeshi, He accidently poured an entire bottle of attractiveness over him and muttered, “Shit.”
Takeshi pulled away, just enough for them to breathe, but he still held her tight, reluctant to let go. The shadows in his eyes intensified, like he wanted to hijack time and extend this moment forever.
Suddenly, Raziel appeared at their side, glancing at Takeshi with a knowing smile, clapping him on the back.
“Well done, Takeshi. You played your part perfectly. Couldn’t have done it better myself.”
When we die, are we allowed a do-over?
I’m asking for a friend.
Takeshi glared daggers at Raziel, his whole body tense.
She wrenched herself free from his grasp, staring at him in disbelief. The beat of the music shifted, and the air felt claustrophobic.
She opened her mouth, but no words emerged.
Takeshi didn’t touch or kiss Khalani because he genuinely wanted her. He only did it for the mission. To make the Dealers believe they were truly married and in love.
Takeshi turned to her, the crease in his forehead deepening as he saw nothing but raw heartache and betrayal reflected in her eyes.
He took a step toward her.
She drew back.