Page 15 of Us Deadly Few
“A favorite what?”
Someone kill her.
“Or position. There are some good ones in here,” Brock chimed in with a sardonic grin. Takeshi shifted his focus to him.
The inherent brutality in his gaze would make even the strongest man cower, but Takeshi remained silent, clearly wanting to hear her answer more than he wanted to flay Brock’s skin off.
She glanced up at the hole in the ceiling, calculating how fast it would take to disappear through it.
“Well?” Brock prodded.
“I have no favorite,” she said quickly.
“You sure? There’s an interesting one on page sixty-nine here that I’m sure you’d—”
“Say another word, Brock, and I’m shooting you between your legs,” she interrupted with a hard glare, fully prepared to grab her gun and follow through.
Brock chuckled, but Takeshi shifted his focus to him. “Ask again, Death-Zoner. I’m looking forward to the next part.”
The tangible darkness in his voice was unsettling. Brock was quiet for a moment, and everyone tensed, readying for a fight...
But Brock just chuckled.
“I thoughtyouof all people would be dying for that answer, Steele. But I guess it’d be more fun to watch you crash and burn. And I can’t let her deprive me of my greatest asset.”
“Highly doubtful,” Serene retorted.
Brock smirked and backed away, casually strolling to another corner of the store as if he wasn’t a breath away from having his tongue snatched out.
Khalani’s muscles relaxed slightly, but the tension lingered with Takeshi just inches away. The heat radiating from him felt like standing next to a carefully controlled fire—one that drew you in before burning you to ash.
“Do you have a favorite?” Adan asked Takeshi.
Khalani peeked up, a little too eager to hear the answer.
For academic purposes.
Takeshi scoffed, handing the magazine back to Adan. “They’renot my type,” he said in the most indifferent tone known to man.
“Seriously?” Adan’s jaw dropped. “Are you gay or something?”
Khalani choked on her next breath, awkwardly thumping her chest.
“Not that we care.” Adan quickly raised his hands at the thick silence. “Whatever beat you drum to, isn’t that right, Derek?”
“Please stop talking,” Derek chimed from the corner.
She didn’t dare look at him. As it was, Khalani feared the answer stamped itself to her face.
“No, I’m not,” Takeshi clipped. “Do you have any other trivial questions, or can we leave?”
“N-no. I-I mean, yes. We can leave.” Adan’s cheeks flushed.
Takeshi immediately strode forward, covering the distance to the exit in just a few long strides, leaving the rest of them behind.
“Nice going, Adan,” Serene muttered.