Page 155 of Us Deadly Few
The teddy bear exploded.
The man holding it disintegrated into pink mist.
The force of the blast threw Takeshi back against the stone wall. His ears sang a high-pitched tune and dust filled the air.
Takeshi tasted blood in his mouth and grunted as he slowly got to his feet. He rubbed his ringing ears, disoriented as horrifying screams amplified around him.
As the dust began to clear, his eyes raced across the multiple prisoners and the Dealers unconscious on the ground. Ryder was helping a stumbling Jack to his feet.
Takeshi’s chest tightened when he saw Elise shaking her father on the ground. His leg and arm were bent at an awkward angle, clearly broken, as he mumbled into Elise’s ear, trying to lift his hand toward her. Tears streamed down her chalky face as she tried to get him to move.
Takeshi turned away. He knew a mortal wound when he saw one.
“It’s the rebels!” the head Dealer yelled, blood running from his head down his pale cheek.
Through the dusty cavern, more than a dozen men appeared, revolvers in hand. Takeshi recognized Spade in front, leading the charge. He’d traded his crisp suit for black leather pants and a black cape. He shouted orders to his men as they charged ahead.
The head Dealer lifted his gun shakily and fired at them. The Aces ducked for cover behind various rocks, returning fire.
Despite the bomb, the Dealers still outnumbered the Aces and rushed forward, continuing to shoot.
Takeshi twisted his head as Jack limped toward him.
“Now.” Jack gritted his teeth and nodded to a couple of other male prisoners who crept behind an unsuspecting guard and choked him from behind.
Takeshi didn’t waste another second. He found the nearest Dealer rising to his feet. Without hesitation or remorse, he rushed him. Takeshi punched the guard twice in the stomach, wrapped his arms around his head, and swiftly broke his neck. The man’s body fell to the ground in a forgotten, lifeless heap.
It all happened in a matter of seconds.
A nearby guard turned at the sound and his mouth popped open.
With unsteady hands, he lifted his gun, but Takeshi was faster. He pulled a blade from the dead man’s belt and threw it across the space. The dagger embedded into the Dealer’s shoulder, throwing off his aim.
That was enough time for Takeshi to charge the guard, slamming him to the ground. He straddled him and punched the wide-eyed Dealer in the face.
Takeshi wanted to continue the onslaught, but unfortunately, he didn’t have time for that.
He pulled the pistol from the man’s pocket, wrestling his mouth open. Takeshi shoved the barrel between his lips and pulled the trigger.
Blood splattered across Takeshi’s murderous face. He wanted to bathe in it, that need for violence inside him growing stronger.
He reached into the guard’s back pocket and pulled out a touchpad. It had facial recognition, and luckily, only the back of the guard’s head was unrecognizable.
After some searching, Takeshi found the option to deactivate his shock cuff. He immediately pulled the bands off his wrists, throwing them against the wall, the satisfying clang echoing back to him.
Takeshi swiveled his head to Jack and Ryder, who were in the middle of removing their cuffs.
A cacophony of screams and gunfire surrounded them as the Aces continued to fire their weapons at the Dealers, providing the distraction they needed.
“Go!” Jack yelled. “We’ll take care of the rest. Go save her.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
Takeshi grabbed the handgun and removed the knife from the dead man’s shoulder.
Takeshi sprinted along the back wall, away from the gunfire. He tightened his grip on the weapons as he prepared to draw blood.