Page 35 of Us Deadly Few
Khalani continued to lose herself in her torturous thoughts when she heard a rustle.
“Get up.”
Her brows furrowed as Takeshi loomed over her, his expression deadly serious and his tall form almost glowing in the moonlight.
“Do you trust me?”
“No,” she responded instinctively.
“Good.” He nodded. “Thought I lost for you for a second. Get up, Kanes.”
“What are you—”
Takeshi turned without another word and walked away from the bridge.
The quiet space seemed to close in around her with his absence.
She used to find peace in the darkness but something in the night made her eyes dart around. The silence grew louder, prickling her skin.
The shadows seemed to stare at Khalani. She could hear their demented whispers, and her shoulders tensed, sensing invisible hands reaching out to grab her.
Khalani quickly stood, searching for Takeshi in the dark. She frantically maneuvered around the vehicles but heaved a deep sigh when she found him a few car lengths away. He glanced back at her, silently waiting.
The logical part of her brain smacked her upside the face, urging her to return to the others, where it was safer.
But she followed him, knowing that on the surface of the violent earth, nowhere was truly safe.
Takeshi stopped next to a battered black vehicle that was larger than the others. Winnie had referred to a similar one as a “truck.”
Its entire backside was open, and she wondered if it’d once been used for transporting goods.
She jolted as Takeshi’s hand gripped the truck’s side, effortlessly hoisting himself into the back. He straightened to his full height, standing several feet above the surroundings, like a conqueror in a strange new world.
His soft black hair had fallen over his forehead, and his eyes gleamed with a dark, mischievous emotion she refused to name.
“What are you doing?” she frantically whispered, her eyes darting around. “Get down!”
“Don’t you want to see the view?”
“I can see everything just fine from here.”
He tilted his head. “Nervous, Kanes?”
“I’m not nervous,” she hissed, fisting her hands. “We should get ba—”
Takeshi leaned down and gripped her arm, hoisting her into the back of the truck.
Khalani gasped, holding her hands out to steady herself, and he released her immediately.
She spun toward him, struggling to maintain her balance. He reached out a hand, but she slapped him away.
“Have you lost your mind?” she sputtered.
“You’re just as fucked in the head as I am, Kanes.”
“God, I hope not.”