Page 52 of Us Deadly Few
“So…you’re useless is what you’re saying.”
“On second thought, maybe you can annoy our kidnappers to death,” Brock griped.
“Here.” Takeshi’s voice cut through the argument as he moved closer.
A slight shuffle and a pause.
“A knife? How come they didn’t take it off you?” Serene asked.
“I know how to hide my weapons,” Takeshi replied cryptically. “If anyone but us tries to get through this door, you stick this in their throat.”
The quiet hint of death in his tone was unnerving. Serene held a particular level of distrust toward Takeshi, but she surprisingly said, “Thanks.”
Khalani’s eyes grew heavier as Serene closed the door and drew the blinds close, plunging the room into complete darkness. Serene collapsed onto the bed and when her head hit the pillow, the most contented sigh left her mouth.
“I forgot what a bed felt like,” Serene grumbled face-first into the pillow.
The promise of tomorrow and its looming wrath made her take a deep breath, and she nestled into the pillow, surrendering to the comfort of sleep.Right before blessed unconsciousness overtook her, Serene’s soft voice whispered through the air.
“What if these people are good?”
Khalani shifted slightly, squinting in the dark. “What do you mean?”
“They have a bunch of houses…and it all looks so nice. Maybe, after we find a way to Hermes and bring them back supplies, they’ll let us stay,” Serene offered, a hopeful lilt to her voice.
“I don’t know. Something about this place gives me the creeps. But if everything turns out okay and they let us continue on to Hermes...yeah. Maybe we can come back and stay.”
She spoke the words, but they didn’t feel genuine.
Before sleep consumed her, a haunting voice in the cool air whispered that the only thing this town could offer was their demise.
If you tried measuring me by my fears,
you’d need a longer stick.
The sun’s rays blazed through the window, painting streaks of gold across the bedroom. Khalani groaned into her pillow, her forehead damp. She rubbed her eyes, yawning deeply.
“How long have we been asleep?” she muttered, turning to Serene, only to find her side of the bed empty.
Frowning, Khalani swung her legs over the edge, standing on the grey carpeted floor. She eased the bedroom door open, wincing at the loud creak.
As it swung open, it collided with the soft pink walls of the hallway. Khalani poked her head out, expecting to see the others, but the house was silent. Still.
Her footsteps were muffled on the carpet as she wandered through the house, the white sheets still draped over the furniture.
“Serene? Adan? Derek? Takeshi? Brock?” she called out.
The answering quiet was tangible.
An eerie shuffle on the porch made her heart race. A shadow of feet appeared under the front door. She waited for something to happen, a knock or shout, but the dark shadow just stayed there.