Page 69 of Us Deadly Few
Deadly things shouldn’t be confronted.
Her fingers twitched as Takeshi ventured further and further into the storm.
Go back.
She gulped. About to turn around.
But then, as if she wasn’t in control of her own body, her foot stepped over the threshold.
Her heart pounded wildly as the first drop of rain brushed against her skin. She paused, waiting for something spectacular or terrible to happen, but nothing did.
The rain was cool, almost soothing, and her fear gave way to a strange exhilaration.
She took another step forward, feeling the wet earth beneath her feet. And then, she started running.
Lightning slashed across the night sky like an artist painting furious brushstrokes above her. But Khalani kept sprinting through the torrent.
“Takeshi!” she yelled, her voice almost lost against the howling wind.
But he froze, his dark eyes locking onto her, a deep frown overcoming his expression.
“What are you doing out here, Kanes?”
The right words wouldn’t come. The rain soaked her hair, and her tan clothing clung to her skin as she stopped just a few feet away from him, mumbling like an inept fool.
Takeshi’s lips pressed into a grim line as Khalani failed to explain why she followed him into the downpour like a crazy person.
“Go back to your friends.” His voice was cold and distant as he inclined his head, turning his back on her.
Her fists clenched, and the energy swirling through the air fueled her. Lighting her up from the inside out. “Why do you keep ignoring me?”
“I’m not.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Takeshi paused, barely glancing her way. “It’s for the best.”
“For who? For me?”
“For both of us,” he snapped, facing her fully.
“Explain it to me then.” She lifted her hands by her sides.
“I don’t owe you anything.” Takeshi’s eyes hardened, retreating behind the high walls he’d carefully constructed.
It was his shield against the world. Keeping everything out.
Especially her.
“Yes, you fucking do,” she shot back, marching forward to close the distance. “You’ve already told me there’s nothing left between us. What more do you have to lose?”
He shook his head, turning away, determined to leave her behind.
“I don’t think so.” She tugged on his wet arm. “You don’t get to run away again, Takeshi.”
“Stop it, Kanes!” He whirled on her, his eyes blazing. “You need to learn when to give up.”