Page 12 of The Powers of Nyx
You would get bored in a meeting like this, Angel. Trust me. Let us handle this.
She huffed, but didn’t argue. The bond went silent, though the impression of her emotions said she was anxious, but calmer than she had been.
“Thank you for taking the time to meet today,”Queen Greer started. I dragged my gaze back to the screen and found Prince Dante watching me with narrowed eyes. “It is important that we plan every detail of this move. We cannot let another attack happen.”
I straightened in my seat. For the most part, Seer Sable and Sir Theon remained quiet. Prince Dante observed the entire meeting with keen eyes, which unsettled me. Sir Ya’Dahir took control over the details, which I expected from him.
On Grey’s end, she remained eerily silent, interjecting a few times about the situation on her end. Nash spoke only when spoken to, and he seemed more stiff than usual.
Jay controlled the conversation on our end. Even if I was the soldier of higher status because of my mating, Jay still had more experience than me, and I respected him enough to shut my mouth. Surprisingly, Archer had no quips, though he seemed too lost in his own thoughts to add anything to the conversation.
We spent several hours poring over the maps and routes we’d need to take. We were still far from the ferry point, though with staggered departures, Sir Ya’Dahir assured us we would all make it there within the necessary timeframe.
My priority would be the kids. Archer would be on Thea. Grey and Kingsley had Ivy under their supervision with direct orders to get her directly onto the ferry—no matter what.
The only thing I was worried about was the time constraints. Our group was the furthest from the drop point, so we’d need to move sooner than Grey.
But I had to believe, with Nyx watching over us, we’d all make it there safely.
“I appreciate your patience and time,” the Queen said, ending the discussion. “Rest and prepare yourselves. Although I pray to the Goddess you won’t meet resistance, I ask that you are ready in case of a fight. We must be careful in these coming days. Our entire world depends on it.”
As the Queen rose, we lifted our fists to our chests and bowed our heads, and the screen on her end shut off.
Jay blew out a heavy breath and sat back in his chair. “Remind me to take a vacation after this is done.”
“You can do that?” Archer asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Shit, Jay, I didn’t think you were capable of anything other than work.”
The half-demon grunted and motioned to the second screen, where Grey and Nash watched us. “Anything you two want to add?”
Grey rolled her shoulders back, her perfectly blank mask slipping over her face. “Focus on your team in whatever happens,” she said, linking her fingers under her chin.“We’ve made sure our future Queen is protected.”
“Will do. Good luck.” The screen shut off, and Jay rose to his feet. “I’m going to make sure our teams are ready. You two have your jobs.”
I nodded as he left leave the office, giving Archer and I a moment alone. “You get anything strange from that?”
Archer turned to me with a frown on his face. “What do you mean?”
I shrugged, stretching my arms over my head as I stood. “I found it strange that Prince Dante was there. He’s never been interested in this side of things. I thought he was too busy lazing around his father’s estate in the north.”
Archer rose, his brows pinched. “Yeah, from what I remember of him, he never seemed interested in politics. But when Adrian and I joined the training program, he stepped up a bit more.I know Queen Greer was pleased he was getting into politics, especially at the courts.”
I grunted and couldn’t help but look back at the black screen. “I never liked him.”
Archer snorted and started for the door. “The perfect Prince who mooches off Daddy’s wealth? Really?” He rolled his eyes. “He’s a pain in the ass, but I don’t think he’s dangerous. Maybe lazy and arrogant, but he’s used to getting everything he wants and he’s probably just enjoying the fact that he gets to be a part of something so important. Strokes his ego and other parts of his manhood.”
I joined him by the door, and despite his words of assurance, I still couldn’t help but feel uncertain.
“You know,” Archer continued, walking towards the storerooms. “He was probably jealous when he found out Adrian got the mission. Dante’s good for a killer party, but it must piss him off that his baby brother, who he tried so hard to corrupt, was not only chosen for the mission, but is the next Queen’s mate.”
I stiffened, but I had a feeling he was right—even if I didn’t want to admit it. I was probably more annoyed with the fact that he was another spoiled rich kid who abused his connections more than anything else.
I shook off the feeling and ran a hand through my hair. “It’s late. We should rest now.”
Archer nodded, pressing his lips together. He didn’t respond right away, so I gave him a simple bow of my head and started for the main warehouse.
“I’m sorry,” he called, stopping me in my tracks. “I’m sorry for not telling you more about the vision that day. You have every right to want to strangle me, and you haven’t—yet. But I didn’t keep it a secret on purpose.”
I swallowed thickly and glanced over my shoulder at him. “Then why did you?”