Page 28 of The Powers of Nyx
When I see you,she said,I’ll give you my response to that. Lips around your cock and all.
At that, I chuckled, and let the bond go dark.
“Everything okay back there, Wolfy?” Archer asked, his eyes meeting mine through the rear-view mirror.
My lip curled at the nickname, but when Maisie giggled, and Ginny made an almost laughing sound, I let the comment go. “I just spoke to Ivy. They’re on the road and everything is going well. We’ll meet them at the ferry.”
Archer smirked and gave me a nod. “Good to know.”
If the bastard thought he’d get away with that, he had a whole new problem.
“I’m so ready to get out of this car,” Thea muttered. “I hate driving.”
“Told you to get ginger candy,” Eloise muttered, dropping her head onto the window. “If you puke, I’ll kill you.”
Thea groaned dramatically and gagged. “Don’t worry, I’m notsick.”
“You got sick when we went on that rollercoaster once,” Ginny said, the first full sentence she’d spoken in days. “Ivy and Mom said you aren’t allowed milkshakes anymore.”
I stiffened at the mention of her mother, and from the corner of my eye, Eloise did, too.
But Thea didn’t comment on it, and instead snarked back, “You little shits dared me to drink the milkshakeandeat the corndog before going on. So, if anyone is to blame, Miss Virginia, it’s you three.”
Maisie giggled into my chest. “She called you Virginia.”
Ginny giggled too, the sound loosening a tightness in my chest that had appeared the moment I’d found them without Ivy. It lightened the atmosphere of the SUV, and after a moment, even Eloise joined in.
But the tightness returned almost as quickly as it disappeared. I rubbed my sternum, waiting for it to disappear, but it sharpened into something else.
Fear unlike anything I’d felt before struck me, fast and hard like lightning. It burned through me, igniting fire in my chest.
I sucked in a sharp breath and reached out for Ivy through the bond, seeking her end of the eternal tether bonding us for the rest of her reign.
What I found was darkness. Thick, overwhelming nothing between us. A chasm yawned between me and my mate, and no matter how far I reached, how hard I tried to find any impression of her thoughts, I grasped on to nothing.
The nothingness terrified me, but it was the silence that had me clawing at my chest.
The wolf howled, broken and distraught within me, as we searched for her light, her warmth, within the broken shards of our bond.
I grinned to myself as I said,When I see you, I’ll give you my response to that. Lips around your cock and all.
Elias’s chuckle filled the bond, echoing in my ears before going silent, and the tether between us going dark.
“Everything okay?” Adrian murmured, hand gripping my knee. I wiggled my toes, the combat boots I wore a little tight around my feet, and sighed as I sat back.
“Yeah, I was talking to Elias,” I replied, glancing over at my mate. “He was checking in and told me everything is fine on his end.”
And is that all?Adrian asked, teasing me through the bond, and sliding his hand up my leg.
I shifted in my seat, pressing my thighs together.He’s also very excited to see me again.
I don’t blame him, although I’m very glad I got you alone for a few days.His emerald eyes darkened as he glanced over me, biting down on his bottom lip.The things I’d do to you if we weren’t in a car with Maeve and Hawk.