Page 54 of The Powers of Nyx
Greer settled on the couch across from me, her hands clasped in her lap, and her mates moved to surround her; some sat on either side of her, others took up position behind her. They were a well-oiled machine, one that’d been operating for half a millennium.
Blue eyes found mine, and the Queen released a heavy breath. “I feel your magic has been settled. You’re anchored?”
I nodded, sparing Maeve a glance. My most recent mate smiled reassuringly, and I sighed. “Yes. Elias, Adrian, and Maeve are my mates.”
“But that’s not all, I sense.” Greer finally acknowledged her son for the first time since we arrived and cocked her head; there was a barely perceptible tension between them, one I wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the bond. “I am so happy for you, Adrian. Finding your mate, it is a blessing.”
Adrian looked up and met her stare. There was a slight flush to his cheeks. “Thank you, Mother.”
The Queen’s gaze found mine once more, like the moment wasn’t awkward and tense. “You mentioned there was something else going on, while at the safe house. This room is protected by charms. There are no prying ears.”
I almost wanted one of the others to speak for me, to explain the wholemystery matesituation, but no one did. “I have a fourth mate.Bondedmate,” I specified, running a hand through my hair. My fingers caught in the tangles, and I grimaced, glancing down at my hands. My nails were bitten off and dirty. “He’s not here. Actually, we don’t know where he is. Or who he is. We just know he’s Fae and he’s somewhere in Avalon—maybe.”
When I looked up, the Queen and her mates were watching me silently, their faces impassive. Were they having a silent conversation about me? Did they think I was crazy? Would I have to take my shirt off again to prove it? Oh, Goddess, I hoped not.
Relax,Elias said. I knew that if he could reach me, he would be taking my hand, but instead, Adrian gave me a reassuring squeeze.Remember: this is new territory for everyone. They’re likely just trying to figure out how to approach the situation.
I blew out a shaky breath and tried to loosen the tension in my shoulders, but with the way they were looking at me, that was near impossible.I wish they’d just...say something.
I know, Angel. I know.Despite the warmth he pushed down the bond, I still felt a wave of insecurity flood me.
After a long moment, Queen Greer finally looked away. “That must be hard for you. Being separated from one of your mates like that.”
I couldn’t help but stiffen. “Honestly, it’s probably safer for him to not be here. Everyone wants to beat him up.”
Greer’s eyebrows shot up, amused. “I can also understand why that might be the case.” She shared a look with the mate on her left, the one who must have been Fae. He sighed but said nothing. When she returned her gaze to mine, she asked, “What else do you know about him?”
I explained everything we’d figured out about Ry; the glamour to hide his looks and the promise to keep his identity secret, the fact I still couldn’t say his name, and how we’d worked out that he had to be from the Dream Court because of his ability to enter my dreams. I told her everything, and yet by the end of it, she looked as perplexed as I did.
“How...odd. And he knows who you are?” she asked finally, her brows drawn in a frown.
I nodded. “Yeah, he’s aware.”
“We think he’s only approaching Ivy in her sleep when he needs a power boost,” Adrian added.
The thought of him doing that made my stomach churn. Despite the possibility of Adrian being right, I had to hope that wasn’t the case. That Ry wasn’t like that.
But if he weren’t, if he were as selfless as I hoped, he would be herenow.
“Perhaps we’ll leave this conversation at that,” Greer’s Fae mate said. He rose, and I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “Letme show you to your suite. At this time, the Queen’s wing isn’t ready, but you’ll find these apartments comfortable.”
That means they haven’t gotten my younger sister to pack her room,Adrian explained.She is the messiest witch on the island, and my mother’s baby.The others probably haven’t taken their belongings either.
Frowning, I remembered how we’d talked about him having half siblings during our first date.Do you have a room in the wing?I asked.
Yes, and I imagine it’s been left alone and that’ll be my job while we’re here.
At that, I smiled, and felt myself finally relax as we gathered the kids and followed his mother’s mate to the door. I couldn’t help but glance over my shoulder one last time at the ageing Queen; at the mates surrounding her, completely and utterly devoted to her, to the love that seemed so palpable, soreal. Was that in my future? Would that be me and my mates in a hundred years? Two hundred? The thought made my heart clench. Unsettling and overwhelming, yet somewhat comforting.
Last year, would I have ever imagined being in a serious, long-term relationship by now? No. The me of last year would laugh if she knew where I was standing now. She would call me delusional. One partner was one thing, but I was at three—four?—and counting. The me of last year would never believe it.
Maybe I was delusional, thinking that what Queen Greer had was something meant for me. I’d always thought I’d be happy alone. Content with the life I was used to. But now that wasn’t plausible. My life was tied to others, my soulbondedwith Elias, Adrian, and Maeve.
As we re-entered the long hallway, I glanced over at my three mates, none of whom had any idea my thoughts were spiralling. Apparently, Hawk was a better teacher than we gave him credit for.
At the thought of the half-Fae team leader, I rubbed my chest, trying to push aside the strange sense of longing that flooded me.Nope. Definitely not happening.
I hadwaytoo much on my plate right now. And dealing withfeelingsabout Hawk was something I didnothave time for.