Page 58 of The Powers of Nyx
An ember of excitement lit up within me at the idea. “Could you imagine having a Cinderella moment?”
“Hell yes I can!” Her smile turned into a grin, and she shook her head. “Do you think my parents are here?”
I stiffened, biting my lip. “We should ask. Although, if your momwashere, we’d know.”
At that, Thea laughed. “Oh, God, we would. The fanny-pack would be out, the visor on, and she’d have binoculars and one of those creature encyclopaedia things out, using it like a bird book, just pointing out the different supes with Dad.”
The visual was one I would never forget, and we broke down in laughter. It made me feel more comfortable knowing that her parents were going to be here at some stage, that Thea wouldn’t be alone in all this—that neither of us would anymore.
After a while, I left Thea to her own devices—meaning, she wanted to fully go through her new wardrobe and catalogue her finds. I hadn’t had a chance to really seek out the room that was supposed to be mine, but it wasn’t hard to find. Elias was already waiting in the doorway for me, his arms crossed, a half-smile playing at his lips.
When I approached, I found the entire team inside what was apparently a bedroom.
One bigger than my apartment.
I gaped at the huge, four poster bed with a gauzy canopy and mountain of pillows. It was bigger than a king, maybe twice the size. Built for...big groups, I guessed. The linen was a pretty blue and gold that resembled the sky outside. At the foot of the bed was an ottoman, which was currently being used by Adrian, who sat there with a knowing smile.
Rowan, leaning against the bed, gave me a goofy smile. And when I sought out Maeve, I found her standing by the open door of a private balcony.
“Holy shit,” was all I could muster. But it got...better? Worse? I wasn’t sure. Across from the bed was a television—who knew the supernatural world would have TV—surrounded by built-in shelves full of books. Some were from authors I recognised, others were entirely new and exciting titles that must have been printed in Avalon.
I spied another door and stalked towards it. Throwing it open, I gasped. Either side of me were racks of clothing. Jeans, t-shirts, skirts, dresses. There were elegant pantsuits like the one Queen Greer had worn, and different sets of robes like Sir Ya’Dahir, only prettier and more feminine.
“Are these...uniforms?” I asked, barely holding back my distaste. There was a row of plaid skirts and matching slacks, all sewn with the same red and gold fabric. Above them hungblouses, all white, with a school insignia on the breast over the heart. There were also a few red-knit cardigans next to them.
I shivered as my team entered the closet. Rowan whistled under his breath, while Adrian reached out to pull at one of the blouses. “I definitely don’t miss this about Oberon,” he muttered before releasing it.
Elias came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, while Maeve carefully pulled severalmoregarments I’d missed off a different rack and added them to the other uniforms.
“These are for your more active classes,” she said.
My brows shot up into my hairline. “Gym? Are you saying I have to take agymclass?”
“Not quite,” she replied. “It’ll be more to do with weapon handling, self-defence, and honing your magic with your fighting ability. But don’t worry. You’ll only be in intermediate classes. Nothing too extreme, since your focus will be politics.”
I blew out a shaky breath as flashbacks to high school gym hit me hard. The fitness pacer test and the absolute humiliation that came with it. The freaking climbing rope. I got away with field hockey, since Thea and I were at least semi-decent at that, but otherwise, gym washell.
And I had no doubt a room full of overpowered supernatural creatures would make it even worse.
I managed to slip away for a couple moments of peace.
And peace came in the form of a bubble bath in the biggest, deepest tub I’d ever seen. I sunk below the surface for a long moment before sitting up, wiping the suds and foam off my face. I didn’t even care that I would have to jump in the beautiful stone waterfall shower after to wash my hair.
I was in my very own slice of heaven.
Now, I understood why, when we stayed at nice hotels with Andrew, Kerry had always demanded at least an hour alone to sit in the tub.
There are settings and hidden jets, too,Adrian said, his voice teasing.You know, if you want a little fun.
I rolled my eyes, cheeks warming. Ugh. Men and their innuendos. I hadn’t missed how AdrianandElias’s bonds both grew warmer with devious thoughts of me in that horrible uniform. What college had uniforms?
I knew it wasn’t a traditional college, but seriously? Were we not adults? Couldn’t we dress ourselves?
A different kind of warmth trickled down the bond, and I opened up to Maeve.Is something wrong?I asked, my hands going to the edge of the tub. I couldn’t ignore the tug in my chest that told me to seek her out. We still hadn’t one-hundred percent completed the bond. I knew Maeve was hesitant for her own reasons, and I would never pressure her.