Page 95 of The Powers of Nyx
I couldn’t blame him. He probably hadn’t known about it either.
Adrian, Rowan, and Maeve on the other hand...
Vanya rose as the rest of the hall descended into quiet chatter. “Every semester we have the same spiel. Well, except for the last part.” She grinned down at me, and there was genuine excitement on her face. “I’m going to have to warn the tailor about needing a dress. Do you need a designer?”
I quickly shook my head. “No, I should be okay with the one I have.” I internally cringed at that response, but knowing Queen Greer, she had a few on hand and probably had a vision of what I’d be wearing already.
“We should still go dress shopping, though.”
“Only if a friend of mine can come,” I replied. Thinking about Thea made my chest tighten, but I knew she’d excel at finding a dress for the ball. “She doesn’t attend the academy, but she’ll probably be going.”
Especially if I had any say in it.
“Oh!” Vanya clapped excitedly, and we followed the procession out of the auditorium. During the Headmistresses speech, they’d cleared everything from the next hall, which made it easier to leave. “I don’t have many...well, friends.” She shrugged.
Before I could respond, someone shoulder checked me from behind. The contact was only quick, sharp, not hard, but the impact rattled my bones.
My body locked up, muscles freezing.
I stopped, heart thundering. The block I’d been holding so well since the nightmare crumbled in an instant. Painfully, it revealed the frayed, golden thread that tied me to my first mate. It was all consuming. Powerful. Overwhelming in its force. My knees threatened to buckle from the impact, but I held myself up as a flood of different emotions fromhimcrashed into me.
Lust. Adoration. Rage. Everything hit me so suddenly, and then it was gone. Just like before.
But somehowworse.
My heart stuttered a beat as the block reappeared, thrown up so quickly it took my breath away. Pain crashed through me at the disconnection, cracking through my skull like lightning.
It wasn’t possible, was it?
Hands gripped my face, and I was forced to meet the worried stare of an older woman. “Are you alright, dear?”
I blinked, and the pain that had hit me trickled away the longer I stared into her dark eyes.
Licking my parched lips, I fearfully prodded the wall, but it was stronger than it ever had been before.
Which meant...
I nodded quickly at the woman, who finally released my face. “Some find it entertaining to strike others with magic. Seems you were hit by someone who has power over the mind.”
Vanya had an arm around me, her expression filled with worry. “Are you sure you’re okay? You went as white as snow.”
Bile rose in my throat, nausea churning in my gut. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be okay,” I whispered, eyes shuttering as I tried to pull myself together.
“If you continue to feel the effects of the attack, please come see me immediately.” With that, the woman turned on her pointed heel and stalked away.
There was a group around us, some snickering, others looking on in disdain. Automatically, I searched for Elias and Rowan, finding them angrily watching on, being held back by Headmistress Sylvia. When she noticed my stare, she nodded, like she’d done me some kind of favour by holding my men back.
But she had, I reminded myself.I’m not supposed to be mated.
“Ivy, let’s go,” Vanya murmured.
I straightened and tried to give off the air that I was unbothered by what’d happened. But that was hard to do when I couldn’t stop shaking.
I’m okay,I told Elias, hoping he would believe me.I’ll be okay.
I wasn’t entirely sure if that was the truth, but the lie felt good. Like if I said it enough, it would be true.
My shifter mate glowered at me, definitely not believing me. But for now, for the sake of all our plans, I needed him to wait.