Page 19 of Mastering Mayhem
The orgasm ripped through my body, shredding my cells and reforming them as Ember mastered me. This woman knew me. Every part of my body, every thought in my mind. She anticipated my every move, she knew me…and she loved me.
If heaven existed, I had taken up permanent residence there, right in this moment.
She ran her hands over my skin and gazed at my face, completely unafraid, unappalled at my appearance. What had I done to deserve this woman? Nothing, except to place a curse on her bloodline. What had the Fates been thinking when they wove this tapestry?
Their plan wasn’t mine to question, so I would simply enjoy it, revel in it, until the bitter end.
My breathing slowed in time with hers, and I pulled out, still resting my hands on the countertop and leaning toward her. She gazed into my eyes and smiled.
“As much as I love seeing you like this, we better put your demon away and finish our shower.” She kissed my cheeks before pressing her lips to mine. “Our team will be back soon.”
Holy mother of magic. The past hour or so had felt surreal.Unreal. If not for the pleasant ache between my thighs, I would’ve assumed I’d dreamed it. Yet, there I was, standing across the counter from the demon I loved, smiling like a fool.
He winked, and my stomach fluttered. How the simple movement of his eyelid could affect my insides like that baffled me, but hey… I’d just let him do me in his demon form. My mind was scrambled at the moment.
The weirdest thing? I hadn’t just let him. I’dwantedhim in his demon form. Me. In love with a full-on demon. Hecate have mercy.
“I’m glad you had a good time while we were gone.” Ash bumped her hip to mine, drawing me from my trance. She held the aura-shrouding powder in both hands and offered one fistful to me. “But it’s time to get this shit show on the road.”
“What makes you think we had a good time?” I held out my hand, and she poured the powder into my palm, laughing.
“Neither of you has stopped smiling since I walked in. Ready?”
“Let’s do it.” I held her free hand, and we recited the incantation in unison. “Aura strong, magic deep, we hide your essence from all who seek.”
We blew the powder onto my demon, and he inhaled deeply, his conspiratorial smirk never slipping as the magic took hold, hiding his demonic nature.
At least, I assumed it was hidden. Thanks to the sigil glowing softly on my arm, I continued to feel his true self. A self I loved.
Crazy, I know.
“Guys, did it work?” Ash asked.
Miles squinted at Mayhem, and Shade sauntered toward him, his eyes calculating as he circled him. “If I didn’t already know what he is, I wouldn’t have a clue.”
“Same.” Miles closed his laptop and slid it into his bag. “All three of you look the part. Getting inside won’t be an issue, and Shade, you’ll blend right in if you have to drop your shadow.”
“Here. To fireproof your dress, just in case.” Ash handed me a tiny spray bottle filled with sunny yellow liquid. “Who would’ve thought a group of light witches…Veil Keepers, no less…would team up with demon princes to rob an auction?”
I sprayed my front before handing it to her so she could coat what little fabric there was on the back of my slinky little dress. “At this point—with what we’ve been through the past few months—nothing surprises me. And anyway…”
I tested the hem of my dress, trying to singe the threads. They refused to burn. Good. “It’s not like we don’t have experience in theft and breaking and entering. This ain’t our first rodeo. Is it, Boyd?” I winked at my demon, and he smiled.
“No, ma’am, it ain’t. I only wish I could have joined you on your previous adventures.”
“You’re here now. That’s what matters.” I slipped on my kitten heels and sprayed them with the fireproofing potion. “What do you think?” I turned in a circle for Mayhem to see.
“You look stunning, as always.” He put on a black sports coat and adjusted his bolo tie. “I, on the other hand, look ridiculous.”
“You look like a Texas oil baron,” Miles said. “It’s perfect, though Ember, you’d look more convincing in higher heels.”
I laughed. “You’re lucky I’m not wearing combat boots. If things go south, and we have to fight, I can’t kick ass in stilettos.”
“It’s time.” Chaos rested a hand on Ash’s back.