Page 22 of Mastering Mayhem
“You try feeling confident when your bra is about to slip down to your waist and take your boobs with it.”
“The ladies’ room is down that hall and to the right.” Hazel gestured at a massive archway. “Men’s is to the left.”
My cheeks heated, but I kept following her. “Thank you.”
The foyer opened into another room with squishy carpet and a ginormous crystal chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. Black and white photos of New York during various decades hung from the dark green walls, and a bar and buffet stood at the back of the space.
“Here, you will find refreshments, and you may pick up your auction paddle on your way to the main event.” She tapped her screen and closed the cover before batting her eyes at Mayhem. “May I assist you in any other way?”
Oof. I did not like the way she said that. The emphasis she put on “any other” made her intention as clear as pure quartz.
“We’re good. Thanks.” I gripped Mayhem’s arm and rested my hand on his chest.
“Actually…” Mayhem patted my shoulder. “I would like to see the amulet…item 457…ahead of the bidding. Can you make that happen?”
She glanced at me before smiling at him. “Absolutely. Someone will find you as soon as it’s ready for viewing. Please, enjoy yourselves.”
Shade laughed as she walked away. “Ember Holland finally met her match.”
I blew a breath through my nose. “I could kick her ass with both hands cuffed behind my back.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” He laughed again. “But could you be any more jealous?”
I glared at Shade, trying to formulate a snippy comeback, but my mind blanked. Yes, I was jealous of a shadow witch because she flirted with my man. I could admit that.
Hell, she hadn’t even flirted. Not really. Honestly, she hadn’t done a damn thing wrong, but I could feel her attraction to my demon and I hated it.Get a grip, Em.
“You have nothing to worry about.” Mayhem hooked a finger beneath my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his. “You are my first, last, and always, remember?”
“I remember.” I rose onto my toes and brushed a gentle kiss to his lips before wiping the lipstick away with my thumb.
“Mr. Anderson?” A man in a dark red jacket approached us. “The item is ready to be viewed.”
Hazel the shadow witch flanked him, her mouth tight, her eyes narrowed in a perturbed expression. “I’ll be accompanying you this evening, unless your assistant would like to leave the premises.”
A sense of smugness made me straighten my spine. Did our friend get into trouble for allowing Shade to stay? I started to think that was what she got for fawning over my man, but the direness of our circumstances sank in instead.
She’d be watching Shade’s every move, so he was out of play. I should have anticipated something like this. They had guards with automatic rifles. Of course they would have people actively watching for shadows and spells. Honestly, I was surprised the ward on the building wasn’t stronger. They hadn’t even hired an elemental witch to cast it.
But now we had to go back to plan A: Me distracting the guards while Mayhem swiped the necklace. But Hazel would have one mesmerized eye on my demon too.Shit.
My pulse sprinted, and I took a deep breath, trying to look calm, but Miles’s voice over the coms made my stomach take a flying leap into my throat. “All right, guys. It’s go time.”
Ioffered my arm to Ember and fought my smile as we followed Hazel and the guard toward the vault. The shadow witch not only couldn’t hold a candle to my fire witch, but she could not ignite a single, minuscule spark inside me. No woman ever would for the rest of my existence.
I had to admit, though, watching Ember’s subtle display of dominance added fuel to the already raging inferno of love and desire I felt for her.
We exited the refreshment area and turned left, passing through a second massive archway when ading-dongsound echoed through the corridor. Hazel and the guard stopped short, her gaze snapping to his.
A moment later, a woman’s voice sounded through the building’s intercom. “Attention guests and staff. Please gather in the waiting area until further notice. Code blue thirty-seven.”
Hazel tried to hide her gasp by clearing her throat. “I’m sorry. We’ll have to go back to the waiting area.”
“What’s blue thirty-seven?” Ember asked, crossing her arms.